I said said ok ok, I no no know him, I no no care.

(mum: Jaffa has been doing the typical Airedale behaviour - if you're part of my pack, I'll acknowledge you, if not, you only exist if I wanted you to. He has never met my dad until now, so he has been quite aloof towards my dad. Doesn't want to perform any commands or listen, but he does give my dad a few land shark bites whenever he walks by him....)
Sunshade's grandpapa said said COME! Jaffaman said said you COME get me!!

Sunshade's grandpapa said said SIT! Jaffaman said said me bite bite your finger ok ok? *mischievous tail wag*

Sunshade's grandpapa said said DOWN! Jaffaman said said me already down down, you crawl crawl ok ok?

Sunshade's grandpapa said said DOWN again! Jaffaman said said you down down ok ok? And scratch my neck neck ok ok??

Gooood good Sunshade grandpapa!
Sunshade's grandpapa said said come for a HUG HUG! Jaffaman said said no no thanks, let me go go ok ok?

(mum: sorry, craziness runs in the family... LOL..)
(Sunshade: *fuming with anger*
I would have taught you a thing or TWOOOOOO if I were in the room!!!
How dare you treat MY grandpa like that!)
(mum: my dad and Jaffa had to be in the room because Sunshade is very possessive of my dad, she LOVES her grandpa soooooo much!
Now, THE NEWS - which I'm sure won't come as a surprise to most of you.....
I get to keep my Jaffaman!! (Sunshade: OH JOY...)
My dad likes Jaffa a lot. He knows once Jaffa spends more time with him, they will bond no problem. However, seeing the way Jaffa is bonded to both me (more so) and Sunshade, and vise versa, my dad has allowed me to keep Jaffa. I'm a spoiled daughter... I know....
This was part of the reason I got Qila. I really wanted Jaffa, actually, I didn't know how I was going to let him go when the time has come. So I thought maybe he could take Qila to Taiwan since she was old enough to fly so I wouldn't have to take care of her like I did Jaffa then let her go. My dad and I talked about the possibility of him bringing Qila to Taiwan, but ultimately decided against it because of her sound sensitivity, and trust issues. The 12-14 hour plane ride plus 21 days of cage quarantine will just un-do any progress we will have made at bringing her around.
So... this is the sad part, my dad will not be bringing an Airedale to Taiwan. I feel quite guilty about it... but he is not too upset about it because he said "really, Sunshade is THE special one for me. She is the one who understands."
Sunshade is the one my dad really wants I think LOL (or he just said that to make me feel better?).
So I guess, Sunshade and Jaffa's grandpa just has to come and visit them LOTS!!!
As for Qila, I will work with her, let her learn from watching the other two, and then find her a good home to go to. I wish I could keep her as well, but one of me just isn't enough for three DALES. It wouldn't be fair to any of them, especially poor Sunshade. There are a few wonderful homes interested in Qila already, and I will make my decision based on what I think is best for "Qila" given her personality and sensitivities. Hopefully, she won't go too far and Jaffa and her can still see each other for plays and go for walks together.)
I think we all knew you would end up staying with mummy and Sunshade Jaffa! I hope Grandad won't be too sad, and he knows you'll have a super home. At least with internet he can see you everyday. All your bloggy friends will be glad we get to watch you grow up!
Oscar x
We think it's super duper that Jaffa gets to stay with you forever and ever Sunshade! One day he won't be so bitey and you'll be even better friends! I'm currently waiting for that day to happen at my house too!
Love ya lots,
oh.. Jaffa.. you get to stay with sunshade.. good for you!
make sure you give your grandpa plenty of loving while he is spending time with you okies???
Hoorrraaayyyy!!! I was kinda hoping you would say that! I'm not so sure Miss Sunshade is ok with it tho'---hee, hee, hee.
I hope Grandpa will be ok, I think him visiting is better anyway...because then he needs to bring prezzies for you and Sunshade!
I'm so happy you will stay and contiue with your blog! Lots of Licks, Ruby
I'm glad Jaffa is staying... :) I think grandpa is way cool. My Mom says Ni Hao!! :)Mandarin is her mother tongue.
Ah hah! Mommy and I guessed right all along. We knew Jaffa was gonna stay in Vancouver!! We're so happy for you Jaff. Although your gramps is obviously an awsome guy, I think you'll be super happy with Sunshade and Mommy right here in Vancouver.
Yay!! So glad you're staying!!!!
Oh Jaffa, U R so sweet sweet to Qila. I like that U sleep sleep so close close to her. Must be nice nice to share share.
Jaffe no share share bed bed with me. He show me teethies when I sleep close close to MaMa.
U play play with Qila lots ok ok? Then she will be good good & brave brave like us terrors!!!
YEAH!!! Jaffa gets to stay!!!!
Oh Jaffa!
I am happiest that you are staying with your Mum and your Sunshade! That is the goodest news everest! I am happy!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Jaffa YAY you get to stay with sunshade!!! we sure are happy that we will get to watch you grow up and learn even more! we will be sad to see qila go :(
I knew it !!!!! Kiss, Faya
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