It is not good. Both his BUN and Creatinine (kidney numbers) are elevated now. His liver number (alt) is still elevated, but better than before. So his liver is on the mend. Urine Specific Gravity 1.020, so low concentration.
Here are the newest results:

I didn't really understand his last blood work so I came home and looked up in the Small Animal Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods (I know... I'm a freak). I seemed to recall liver malfunction falsely lowers the reading of BUN and not Creat. His BUN was normal the entire time, while his liver was bad.
This is what I read on pg. 132 of Small Animal Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods,
"Causes of Decreased BUN - BUN is decreased by decreased production (hepatic insufficiency or dietary protein restriction) or increased excretion (polyuric conditions, overhydration, or late pregnancy. Decreased BUN may be an indication for hepatic function tests (see Chapter 9)."
Hepatic insuficiency - Jaffa's liver wasn't functioning well
Polyuric (Pu) - Jaffa was having to urinate a lot due to IV
Overhydration - Jaffa was on IV while all the blood works with normal BUN were taken
That is probably why his BUN was normal before. Now that his liver is recovering, and he's off the IV, the true BUN number is starting to show.
I asked Janice, "Is Jaffa considered to be in Renal Failure now?". I had a lump in my throat when I asked, but I did.
Janice took a moment, and reluctantly said, "Yes, at the moment with both BUN & Creatinine being elevated, combined with low Specific Gravity of Urine."
Janice knows how worried I get, so she hates to give me bad news. However, this didn't come to me as a shock, I think I had prepared myself for it since the very beginning. Remember, I always imagine the worst case scenario so that when it happens, I can deal it (I hope).
Janice said she also put in a referral for us to go for ultrasound. There's always a line up for ultrasound so that probably won't happen for another couple of weeks.
Mean while, there isn't much we can do other than supplementing him, modifying his diet, and keeping him hydrated (via drinking).
Janice is e-mailing me the blood result, I will post them when I get them.
You know how sometimes, you wake up from a bad dream and realize it was just a dream? How relieved you feel?? Every day I wake up hoping this was just a dream, but reality hits... NOT a good feeling!