I said ok ok, but what is a jump jump competition mummy??

Mummy said ask my friend Miles, he did did it before,

(mum: This was me & Jaffa's first time at a match. Out of all the dogs, Jaffa and one other dog were the only ones that had never been to a trial or match before.)
Miles said to look look over there,

Me watch my friend Sammy's sissy Tuvia first, she's good good,

Then Jaffaman's turn. (mum: I had never heard of the following agility game terms, and had to learn how to do each game on the spot. I was VERY confused to say the least.. lol!)

Courtesy of Pawsahead Agility Website:
Gamblers tests the dog's and handler's ability to work at a distance from each other. The object in Gamblers is to earn as many points as possible in the time allowed.
Gamblers is split into two sections: the opening and the main gamble. In the opening sequence the handlers are given 40 seconds to direct their dogs through whatever obstacles they choose. Each piece of equipment has a point value:
- Single jump: 1
- Dog walk: 3 or 5
- Double jump: 2
- A-frame: 3
- Spread jump:
- 2 Teeter: 3
- All tunnels: 2
- 12 weave poles: 5
- Six weave poles: 2
Dogs may complete each obstacle twice for points. You will hear the judge calling out numbers, which are the points the team has earned when an obstacle is successfully completed.
Included in the opening sequence are one or two mini-gambles, which are small sequences, usually not more than 3 obstacles. Point values double in the mini-gamble if the dog completes the sequence while the handler works at a distance from the dog determined by a line marked on the course. The distances range from 10 to 22 feet away from the handler according to the performance level.
When the 40 seconds has elapsed, the timer blows a whistle and the dog/handler team proceeds to the main gamble. They have approx 20 seconds (based on distance covered in gamble) to complete the main gamble, which is another set sequence of 3 to 5 obstacles. Like the mini-gambles, the main gamble must be completed by the dog while the handler is behind the gamble line, up to 22 feet away. Dogs that complete the main gamble in the time allowed double their points earned in the opening. The time is usually stopped by the dog touching the table or crossing a finish line.

Snooker challenges the team's ability to work closely and under control. It is a game with a premise similar to the Billiard's table game by the same name - successful completion of a red jump allows the handler to attempt an obstacle of their choice. The object of the game is to collect as many points as possible within the prescribed time. The obstacle's number is equivalent to its point value. The perfect Snooker game is worth 59 points.
As in Gamblers there is an opening and a closing and there is no set course. There are 4 single jumps with red flags and a minimum of 3 must be attempted. No red jump may be repeated but the same obstacle may be used four times for points. The team must perform red/obstacle-of-choice pairs in the order of their choosing. After successfully completing either 3 or 4 sets they proceed to the closing where they must successfully perform as many of the numbered obstacles 2,3,4,5,6,and 7 as possible, in sequence before the allotted time elapses. Depending on the class and level the Snooker course time is between 55 and 75 seconds. This is the only game where the team is whistled off as soon as a Snooker rule is broken; e.g. taking two obstacles-of-choice back to back, repeating the same red, faulting an obstacle in the closing. This can result in some VERY short runs!

Jumpers is a set course that includes only jumps and tunnels and occasionally weaves. Because there is no contact equipment or table in Jumpers it is the fastest event the dogs run. The dogs may have to cover up to 4.3 yards per second.

Standard is a set course of up to 20 obstacles. It incorporates all the major types of agility equipment: jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and contact equipment (A-frame, teeter and dog walk).
The object in Standard is to complete the course clean (without faults) in the shortest time possible. A standard course time (SCT) is set for scoring purposes, based on the length of the course.
In designing a course judges lay out equipment in such a way that courses flow yet still challenge the dog/handler teams. Among the most often used challenges are requiring the dog to choose from two closely-set pieces of equipment known as a "discrimination challenge", or having the dog turn away from an obstacle not to be taken known as a "call-off challenge". There are several typical challenges in a single course.
Dogs incur faults by not completing obstacles properly or by not taking the obstacles in the correct order.
(mum: we were more familiar with Standard, although we had never ran a full course before. The facility we take our classes at is only about 900 sq ft, so you can't really set up a full course.)
Then mummy said JAFFASANITY happened!!

Me said where??

Mummy said look HERE...

Me got FIRST place in Standard run! But how come me get red red, no no yummy fing? Where is yummy?? (Sunshade: stop sounding like ME!)

Jaffaman did 1,2,3,4,FIVE runs, and me was a wittle tired....

(mum: we were there from 8am until about 5pm. He did a total of 5 runs, and you could tell he was getting tired. However, he seemed to have this on and off switch where as soon as you bring him onto the course, he's full ON! That's a lot like how he is at home too, quite mellow, sleeps a lot. Once he's out, he's ON and ready to rumble!!!)

Me hang hang with my friend Miles when me wait for my turn,

Me meet new friends too, see see,

(mum: isn't this just the cutest Smooth Fox Terrier pup?? Her name was Maddie!)

(mum: Ok, so this is a video compilation of our 5 runs. We were far from being perfect, and it was 95% my fault! We had only had 8 classes before we headed to the match. I had to learn all the different "games" (mentioned above) you could do in agility. Needless to say, I was VERY confused. You will see how confused I was in some of the runs (ie, standing around, totally lost track of where I was suppose to go, or cutting Jaffa off because I wanted to go THAT way.. lol). Jaffa was so patient with me, he hopped around me until I figured out where to go. I think this dog deserves a better handler LOL!!
The run that he got first place was the Standard course run, something we were more familiar with. Still, it was our first time running a full course and he did AWESOME!
This was also Jaffa's first time doing the Dog Walk (elevated plank walk) at competition height and length. A little hesitant, but did it for me anyway in the end. The teeter was introduced to us last week in class, so it was a very new obstacle for Jaffaman as well.)
See, my no no yummy prizies! (mum: Jaffa was actually good enough to place in 4 out of 5 of his runs!)

Mummy drive long long way home, so me said NITEY NITE mummy,

See you next week! Jaffaman no no wake up until next week.
(mum: so so proud of him! Now, Elaine needs more training! Below are some of the pictures my friend, Kathy took of Jaffa on his agility day!)
My handsome man :-)