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Mummy said today is her happy day because Jaffaman came 1,2,3,4,FIVE years ago!!
Mummy said you be happy happy ok? I said no problemo, Jaffaman always happy!
Me is a good good boy, me got somefing for DD-Guy,
See see,
D-Guy likes to drink black juice in the morning, me got him some! (Sunshade: black juice = coffee...)
(Sunshade: and yes, he is still a full time garbage picker.)Jaffaman found a stickie in the aire,
Me love love stickies!
My teefies love stickies too, see see,
I roll roll like this wif my stickie,
Jaffaman happy happy!!
DD-Guy said he bored bored, so he did this,
Me said to mummy, what do we do, Jaffaman worry about DD-Guy.... See my worry worry face? (Sunshade: errr... I think I was the worried one?)
Mummy said Jaffaman is brave brave, so me go help D-Guy. I said ok ok, me think think how....
I asked my Sunshade what to do, she is smart smart,
My Sunshade said we get what we want when we sit sit, so she said we SIT-SIT like this! I said ok ok!
But it no no work, DD-Guy still up up..... My Sunshade said she get what she wants if she yell yell. I said ok ok, you yell yell, Jaffaman no no like to yell,
It still no no work.... so Jaffaman think think more,
Me got a good idea!!!
Wait for Jaffaman ok DD-guy?
DD-Guy almost safe now!!!
Jaffaman is a HEROOOOOOOOO!!! Me saved DD-Guy!!
I said to my Sunshade, we CELEBRATE ok ok?
See, me celebrating!!
(Sunshade: yes, I REALLY wanted to celebrate with you ......)
DD-Guy said fank you fank you for saving my life! He took me to this place, (Sunshade: while the perfect ME was left in the DaleMOBILE.....)
He said we get yummy from here for Jaffaman's happy day,
See see, one for Jaffaman, one for my Sunshade!! (Sunshade: we got PASTAAAAAAS!!!!!)
(Mum: the gluten-free ones were theirs. Sunshade is supposed to be allergic to wheat (but doesn't seem to be anymore?), so I try to give them as little wheat as possible.)Time to eat eat!!!
But mummy said we got to wait wait.....
She said we take pictures ok ok?
I said ok but hurry hurry ok mummy?
Jaffaman is hungry hungry!
Then my Sunshade look look at my yummy.....
(Mum: it takes a lot of guts to sit next to Miss Crocodale when there's food around, hence the lovely face on Jaffa. Sunshade wasn't doing anything, but the fear still lingered around... LOL!)Then mummy said OK OK, go eat eat!!
Jaffaman said fank you fank you!
It was yummy yummy,
Then mummy said me and my Sunshade change, see, me got red red one now,
Me love red red noodles!!
My Sunshade eat eat like this, hehe hehe....
Jaffaman ALL DONE!
My Sunshade was nice nice, she help me clean my plate plate,
I said fank you, but it's ok ok, Jaffaman clean my own plate ok ok?
Watch Jaffaman and my Sunshade eat eat!! (Sunshade: we waited for SOOOO long that we couldn't believe it when we were ACTUALLY released to EAT....)Happy birfday to my sister Stellie!!! (Sunshade: that's STINKY #2)
Happy birfday to my brother Winston!!
(mum: Winston on the left, he lives with a Welsh. According to the owner, Winston is very laid back, easy going, and happy go lucky. Very much like Jaffa. The Welsh runs the show at home.) 
Happy Birfday to my brother Watson.... in heaven....
(mum: Watson passed away last year due to a vet's incompetence after a simple, routine surgical procedure. His family is devastated and misses him a lot. They said he was an AWESOME dog, the BEST. Their description of Watson sounded very similar to that of Jaffa and Winston. Rest in peace little man....) 

Happy Birfday to my wittlest brother Rusty!!!
(mum: Rusty is the Navigator for his dad's whale watching boat. He has a sheepcoat like Sunshade! We were fortunate enough to be invited to go whale watching with them back when the boys were just one year old.)

(mum: there were 4 boys and 3 girls in Jaffa's litter. I have been able to connect with owners of all of the boys. Not so much luck with the girls other than Princess Stella who lives nearby.)