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Mummy took Jaffaman and my Sunshade to another nice park park,
Mummy said we meet meet new friends, but me no no see new friends....
My Sunshade saw new friends coming, and she said said to Jaffaman to behave and no no embarrass her in front of new friends. Me listened to my Sunshade, see see,
I said no no worry my Sunshade, Jaffaman run fast fast and be good good!!
Jaffaman saw my new friend friends and their mommy. See see, this is 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, and mommy P! Mommy P like Jaffaman a lot lot!
Benson, Bailey, Brody and Baxster all like Jaffaman and me like them a lot too. They are fast fast like me,
My Sunshade stayed far far away, she no no like the park. She said its stinky-tinky...
(mum: We had a bit of a replay of Magnuson park with Sunshade where the high concentration of dogs/pee/poo put her off a little.)Jaffaman like all my new friends, me played with lots of new friends,
And lots of peeple like Jaffaman too!
Then mummy said we got to say by-by to 1B, 2B, 3B, and 4B because my Sunshade got to see a doctor.... I said ok ok, but Jaffaman want to play with them again next time ok? Me like Bailey, Brody, Baxster and Benson a lot lot!!
Mummy said to Jaffaman and my Sunshade, lets go to a new water park! I said ok ok, my Sunshade said ok ok, see we are happy happy,
New water park park is very nice,
My Sunshade was happy happy, she said it no no stinky there, (Sunshade: this is Lake Sammamish in Issaquah WA. It was sooooo nice there!)
Jaffaman want my line line off too like my Sunshade....... (Sunshade: "line line" = leash.)
Good good D-Guy said ok go play play Jaffaman, see see, me and my Sunshade,
We are happy happy,
My Sunshade said gimme my round round ball! But mummy's hand stuck, so round round ball no no come out. I tried to help mummy and my Sunshade, see see,
(Sunshade: he was just being ANNOYING, landsharking MY face, MY ring, mum's hand, and the aire too.)Jaffaman got got my long long ball too and mummy's hand nono got stuck, (Sunshade: FYI that's MY tennis stick.)
We walk walk this this,
My Sunshade and DD-Guy do do the same, see see, (Sunshade: We had copyright you know?)
Jaffaman saw new friend friends, so I said by-by mummy, me go see friends now ok ok?
I said HI HI to new friends, then good good Jaffaman came back to mummy and my Sunshade,
My new friend came to see my Sunshade too, (Sunshade: to see the MUSCLE BUTT to be exact.)
Me me is happy happy at water park, me run run lots!
My Sunshade got her ball ball in mouf, Jaffaman want one too....
Mummy said Jaffaman ready ready? I said yes yes!
See Jaffaman fast fast and strong strong,
I got got it!!!
Good good Jaffaman saved my Sunshade's round round ball, (Sunshade: his stoopid landshark teeth PUNCTURED MY RING!!!!! Now it sinks if I don't get there in time...)
Me swim hard hard and water got in my ears and I no no hear anyfing... so me shake shake...
Me me and my Sunshade play play in water, D-Guy said said come here Jaffaman, I got somefing for you. I said ok ok me is coming,
DD-Guy throw somefing in water, but me no no know what is somefing, so me no no want to get it,
My Sunshade said she go go to get it,
See, my brave brave Sunshade swim far far, Jaffaman said good job my Sunshade, me stand here ok ok?
But me worry about my Sunshade so I said me no no want to stand anymore, me go wif my Sunshade ok ok?
(mum: Although Jaffa doesn't always swim out to retrieve toys, he does always swim out to "meet" Sunshade if he felt that she's swam out too far. He gets a little panicky when he sees Sunshade out far. Once he's caught up to her in water, he gives her his submissive, happy, long time no see face licks. Sometimes, he gets so excited/relieved that he's reached her, he tries to climb on top of her. Sunshade of course, is never appreciative of the extra attention she gets from Jaffa in water LOL.)(Sunshade: It is hard enough that I have to retrieve things he left out in the water, but to also have to carry a 69 pound stinky load on my back while swimming is just unthinkable!!!)Me found my Sunshade but she no no wait for Jaffaman.....
Mummy and D-Guy throw round round ball and long long ball for me and my Sunshade,
Good good Jaffaman swim far far and got round round ball, (Sunshade: once out of every gazillion time, he will bring something that you throw back.)
See see, me bring it back!
My Sunshade good good too, she brought her ball ball back too,
Then my Sunshade said she's hungry, she go eat din din. I said said Jaffaman hungry too, what do we eat??
(mum: LOL Sunshade was actually retrieving a toy and Jaffa was following her. She had just gotten to the toy so the view of the toy was blocked by her.)D-Guy Guy call handsome Jaffaman, he said we go walk walk more ok? I said ok ok!
I got to wear line line,
But my Sunshade no no got to wear line line, see see, (Sunshade: yes, because I'm PERFECT!)
D-Guy said Sunshade use line line too ok ok?
We found found another water park. Good good Jaffaman sit so my line line can go off,
D-Guy said ok ok Jaffaman can go play now. I said OK! BY-BY!!
Me is happy happy, my Sunshade happy happy too! (Sunshade: can you tell he was in one of his crazy modes and he RAN INTO MY BOOTIFUL FACE!)
D-Guy like the long long ball, he swing it in front of Jaffaman's face. I said lets play ok ok?
My Sunshade came to play play too,
When my Sunshade came to play, she no no want the round round ball anymore. She took D-Guy's long long ball,
My Sunshade said DROP DROP D-Guy!!!!
But D-Guy no no listen like Jaffaman, he no no drop it...... (mum: Jaffa has an excellent drop command!)
Me no no know to help my Sunshade or DD-Guy, so me run run around them, see see, (Sunshade: he was landsharking MY face, as well as the aire around MY face!)
Good good mummy said she play play wif Jaffaman, she said SIT SIT. I said no problemo!
She got got me a stickie!!!
Me saved stickie from water too, see see,
Mummy threw round round ball far away. I said no no worry my Sunshade, Jaffaman swim far far to save your round round ball ok?
See, me saved it!!
Mummy said said look handsome for mummy ok Jaffaman?
I said ok ok, but me no no know how....... (Sunshade: Umm... I think he's constipated.)
(mum: Jaffa is an earnest guy, can you tell? LOVE LOVE LOVE the big nose Jaffa handsome!)The sky turn black black so we walk back to car car. Jaffaman walk on line line,
My Sunshade walk on line line too!!
Me had a fun fun day, fank you mummy & D-Guy Guy!