See see Kake Day gurlie, Phoebe,

She is Auntie Janice's pretty gurlie, (Sunshade: What are you talking about? I'm MY Auntie Janice's pretty gurrrl!)

See see, a lot of peeple and doggies at the pawty, but my Sunshade no no there......

(Sunshade: Yeah why wasn't I invited?? And WHY were there dogs all over MY Auntie Janice and MY Auntie Jen??)
(mum: Janice is our vet. Her new little rescue girl Phoebe turned 1 and she threw a little birthday party for her. Both Sunshade and Jaffa were invited. However, I opted to not bring Sunshade. Ummm... how should I put this...? Well, Miss Sunshade is used to being the center of the attention. She is certainly treated that way by everyone at Janice's clinic everytime we go in (you sort of get the idea from this video). Sunshade, who is normally quite aloof to the general public does have a tendency to get quite protective/possession of people who she considers part of her "inner circle". There are only a handful of people that have been honoured into Sunshade's inner circle. Unfortunately (in this case), Janice and vet tech Jen are two of them. So, to avoid the possibility of Sunshade trying to keep every dog away from her Aunties (and that would include Janice & Jen's own dogs), Sunshade spent a nice afternoon bonding with Derek!)
(Sunshade: What bonding?? He was bonding with Star Craft (and the magazine Nikita girl) the WHOLE TIME! Here, I have proof!)

Ah ohh... D-Guy Guy is in trubble.....
Jaffaman no no in trubble, I was good good!

I played wif ALL of my new friends, see see,

We run run in Phoebe's yard,

We run run up and down up and down up and down stairs!!

Jaffaman tell you name names of all my friends ok ok?
This is Kodiac and Phoebe, they born born together! (Sunshade: he meant to say they're sisters....)

(mum: Phoebe and Kodiac are sisters rescued from an Indian reserve by a local rescue group. Both pups were victims of abuse, but Phoebe got the worst of all. She suffered a broken pelvis and a bladder injury that required reconstructive surgery shortly after being rescued by the rescue group at 3 months of age. In 2007, Janice said good-bye to Kayla, her heart dog of 17 years. After almost 2 years without a dog, Janice was finally ready to start another chapter in her life. Janice had wanted an older dog as chances of them being adopted were slimmer than pups. However, when a "special needs" pup came along, Janice was more than willing to take on the challenge. Afterall, she is the acupuncture QUEEN and Phoebe's best chance at living a loving, pain free life (as evident in the pictures and videos in this post)!)
This is Star with cute cute ears!

Phoebe on left left, Kodiac on right right, and Star's bum bum too,

This is wittle Harley, he is a handsome. Mummy and Auntie Janice say say Harley look like E-wok, hehe! (mum: a very cute E-Wok!)

See see handsome Jaffaman wif all the handsomes. Gus is brown brown, Harley is wittle,

This is Auntie Jen's pretty baby, her name is Noelle Shirley,

Some bad bad mean mean peeple threw baby Shirley out from a fast fast truck when she was only 1,2,3 days old. Tiny Shirley landed on Auntie Jen's front yard on Kissmas night (mum: Hence the name "Noelle" Shirley.). Good good Auntie Jen use hand to feed tiny Shirley, and now Shirley is BIG BIG!! She is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 years old!

Auntie Jen say say Shirley and my Sunshade are sisters because they do do things the same. See see, everydoggie sit-sit, but Shirley no no need to sit. She jump jump and its ok ok,

(Sunshade: I think you were the only one sitting in that picture. If you continue to do that, you will never get any foodies!)
Shirley can stand up up to take yummies and that's ok,

(Sunshade: Yes, we can do no wrong! Auntie Jen loves me because I act and sound like her Shirley. She calls me "Shirley's long lost sister". I like to rub my head in between people's legs, I like to grumble and speak my mind, I like to pout and guilt trip mum (and Auntie Jen) with my eyes, and I'm excellent at opening treat bags to feed myself. Shirley does all that too!!)
Tall tall Jaffaman! Me like to be up up there because yummies are up up there,

Hot hot machine to make yummies is up here,

More more yummies,

All of Phoebe's pressies up here too, see see,

Me wait wait for yummies to be ready!!

Yummies READY!!! This is Lana and Auntie Jen. See see, Lana got yummies, and Auntie Jen is wif Shirley.

Lana find find kitties to bring to Auntie Janice, and Auntie Janice make kitties no no have babies. (Sunshade: OMG, can somebuddy PLEASE enroll him in a speech school? He meant to say Lana rescues feral cats and brings them to Auntie Janice to be spayed/neutered. Did you get her number for me at least? I'll take a K-I-T-T-Y, feral or not, I'll tame it.)
I said said to Lana, me really really want your yummy ok ok?

Nice Lana said ok ok! See, she feed feed Jaffaman,

Gus and Harley and Shirley got got some too, (mum: notice how the # of dogs increased with each picture?)

After yummies all gone gone, Phoebe help clean clean, see see,
Then Auntie Janice said KAKE TIME!!!!!

Phoebe lucky lucky, she got 1,2 kakes!

Wemember my Sunshade's kake??

Phoebe got one too!!

Kake lady draw draw from this picture,
(mum: The cake was made and painted by Natalie Marquardt of My Best Friend Specialty Pet Bakery in San Diego, Ca.)
No peeple want to cut cut Phoebe's face, brave brave Helen said she cut cut, (Sunshade: as in cut the cake.)

Phoebe got got first, she's Kake Day gurrlie!

She eat eat first too,

And she said yummy yummy!!!

Jaffaman said said can I have yummy kake too?

I got got a piece too!!!

Mummy slow slow, I said Jaffaman help myself ok ok?

Mummy said me no no do that... she said SIT-SIT. See, me good good,

I said ok ok, Jaffaman ready for kake now please,

Mummy feed feed me,

(Sunshade: I never realized this, but STINKY is actually cross eyed!)

(mum: Jaffa is not cross eyed!!! It was the cake's fault, he was looking very intently at the cake!)
Me chew chew slow, me no no swallow like my piggie Sunshade...hehe!

Peeple got kake too, they got I-SCREAMMMMMM tooo!!

See, Shirley want want some from Auntie Jen,

Auntie Jen said no no to Shirley. She said said peeple kake got bad bad things, (mum: it was a chocolate cake.)

And Shirley said said WHY NOT!? My Sunshade always talk talk back too.

Me want some too,

But me no no talk like my Sunshade and Shirley. Me just look at mummy to say can I have a wittle bit??

Mummy said said no no, sorry Jaffaman,

I said said its ok ok mummy, me still love love you!

(Sunshade: HOW DARE YOU KISS MUM BEHIND MY BACK?!!!!!!! She's MINE! *smoke coming out of nostrils*)
(mum: thank you for the pictures Janice!)
Gus want to ride ride Jaffaman,

I said we be good good and wait wait for peeple to finish kake ok?


Jaffaman and my friends love love the snakie!!

One peeple throw new pressie in water. Jaffaman said me get get, me no no afraid of water, see see,

I saved new pressie, see see,

Then we all play play. Listen to funny lady scream, she got wittle white white doggie, she no no use to big doggies!!
(Sunshade: that was my Auntie Janice saying "that's more STINKY-like behaviour", which means crazy/annoying behaviour. Yes, he was the one barking. For some reason, STINKY was pretending to be all calm or something the whole time until this chase started.) (mum: Jaffa was very well behaved, he didn't pee on anyone or any dog!)
Phoebe got got a pretty new collar, see see,

She also got a book about her. That's wittle baby Phoebe on the front front!

Peeple clean yummies away from table, and see see, Shirley said she can help help too,

Auntie Janice got goodies for Jaffaman and friend friends,

Treat treats for Phoebe, Harley and Jaffaman,

Phoebe said said its her kake day, so she take the treat treats. I said said okay okay... my Sunshade said said always let gurlies win......

Good good mummy said no no worry Jaffaman, you got goodies too!

See see, Jaffaman and my goodies,

Cool thing things inside the baggie,

Shirley want her treat treats too,

Auntie Jen said ok Shirley wait wait ok?

But Shirley no no like to wait just like my Sunshade,

So she eat eat like this,

She no no need to breath, and then no more treat treats!

(mum: now I finally understand why Jen is always telling me how much Sunshade and Shirley are alike behaviour wise LOL.)
Shirley's mouf got dry dry, she drink a lot of water, just like my Sunshade,

(mum: I hate to say this, but not only are Shirley and Sunshade alike behaviour wise, they also have the same illness.... Like Sunshade, Shirley has Atypical Cushings too. Excessive drinking is one of the symptoms unfortunately.....)
Happy Happy 1st Kake Day Phoebe!
Fank you for inviting Jaffaman, me had fun fun!!