Short short Qila now....

(mum: I really didn't mean to strip her bald, I just wanted to roll her coat and to give her more shape, but *ahem* I ended up balding her in places. Her coat should grow out nicely in about two weeks time.
Oh, and she was just the perfect little angel on the table!!)
Me me no no got hair pull pulled, me me got hair pull pulled when I was wittle. (mum: he was stripped when he was a little younger. Now his hair has grown out.)
Mummy comb comb Jaffaman and said said SMILE!

Jaffaman and MY sister - Qila Qila!!

You both look great. Qila is so pretty pretty and you are so handsome handsome. Hey Jaffa, when are you going to let Qila do a little blogging. I think it is high time she tell us about herself and how she is liking her new home!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You and Qila both look so pretty (and handsome!). Well, you handsome, Qila pretty.
you look like such a big boy next to qila. you are both so cute!
yeah, i saw the bald part two post below. didn't thought much but now you mention it was an "accident" by mom... poor qila!
wet wet licks
Oh Qila look so pretty.... You sure take good care of your sister Jaffa
~ girl girl
Qila looks so sweeeet!
I can sympathise with Qila. Mum balded me in a couple of spots too, but it grows in so fast. You can see how petite she is on that last photo, what a dainty little lady!
Oscar x
Jaffa and Qila,
You guys are the cuttiest thing ever- like two peas in a pod! I want a friend soooo bad! Got any tips for momma and stripping me...so told me that is her big "excitement" for this weekend.
Oh look at you 2....so sweet.
Beauty and the .......handsome of coz. You are a handsome pup Jaffaman.
Jaffa! These pics are precious! I think Qila is a special girl ... I sure hope she finds a place to live that is right next door to you so you can play whenever you want! Oh I hope so!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Qila Qila, U look pretty pretty with fur fur neat neat.
I wait wait for my fur fur to grow grow. I like messy messy fur fur... hehehe...
I like Jaffa Jaffa... hehehe...
Jaffa, your sister, Qila, is a real beauty. Convince your mummy to keep her then you can play with her everyday.
Oh my - they are just too adorable together. You are lucky to have a 'dale (or 2) that is good up on the table!
Mom and I just got caught up on your blog, Jaffa. Congrats on staying with your Mom. Your mom must be so super happy. Qila sure is a pretty dog. Mom tried to groom me once, what a mess. She didn't dare try doing it again , thank dog!
You look so cute together!!!!
Aren't you too just the cootest!! I have that same purple harness. Mommy makes me where it when we walk. I like it!
Love, Lillie V
Jaffa, you're so BIG, now!!
- Charlie
You are both so so so so so pretty!
G'day Jaffa and Qila,
You are both so pwetty. Will Qila get her own blog? I hope the bald patches gwow back!
xxx Asta down under
The two of you look absolutely pawfect..gorgeous gorgeous boy boy and hi sister sister.
smoochie kisses to you Jaffa and also to you Qila,,I bet you never want her to leave
love you
oh jaffa, you look so "manly" next to qila! qila looks like a pretty little girl.
Ah, your Mom did a wonderful job grooming both of you. :)
Oh no, we missed out on so much. Qila is such a pretty girl and she will soon be like Sunshade.
Boy n Baby
Jaffa Jaffa... Mite mite is bad bad. They bite bite me. Now I itchy itchy. Vet Vet says I have a cuppa of stubborn mite mite. U bring Qila Qila with you to kill kill the mite mite ok ??!!
Oh, Jaffe said the pretzie pocket is at your house house. U must share share your yum yum with Qila Qila ok?
When is your mommy sending the Camama to make make good good??!!
You should have an oil painting done of that last photo! How cool.
I'm with Ruby Bleu. What does Qila think about all of the changes she's experiencing?
Your Goober,
Hi little Stinkys,
Hope you have loads of fun this weekend
smoochie kisses
Oh Jaffa Jaffa. Sunshies say U got the chew chew. U like like? I love tendon tendon.
MaMa let me smell smell your note note for abit. She say my nose nose goo will wet wet the note note??!!
You smell nice nice & handsome handsome... Kaylie blush blush...
Hope U get the next chew chew soon.
Love Love KayliePooPoo
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