Me me and Stellie were soooooo happy, our line lines get tie tied....

Stellie-tellie smile, see see,

Jaffaman no no see Stellie-tellie for long long time, and Stellie-tellie no no see mummy for long long time, see see,

She miss mummy a lot a lot, and was happy happy to see mummy!!

(mum: I was very excited to see Stella, because I haven't seen her for over a year. I guess she was equally excited to see me LOL!!)
We run run lots,

Jaffaman and Stellie-tellie are fast fast, see see,

We LOVE LOVE stickies,

We pull pulled on long stickie,
Then mummy and Aunty Maureen said Jaffaman and Princess Stella pose pose, look handsome and pretty pretty!
We said said, ok ok,

Happy Barkday Jaffa. Hope you have a pawsome day.
MOlly, Taffy and Monty.
What a great day with Stella. I love the scary googly eyed dales running down the path. Forest creatures!
What a fun day you both had! How nice to see Stella again! Happy birthday to both you and Stella, Jaffa!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I'm so glad to get caught up on your life, Jaffa, and happy to see Stellie again.
Your mum takes you out to such fun places and you get to meet pretty girls like Lola, and play with your sister.
We're lucky to get to watch you again.
I love you and hope you have a gweat day wif lots of play wif youw fwiends and sissie and Mom and tweats galowe!!!
smoochie kisses
Oh Jaffa...(Lacie fans herself rapidly; she's totally overheated with the incredible HOT pics of Jaffa...)
OH MY...you have grown up, dear boy....(Lacie bats her long eyelashes rapidly, something that an experienced flirt like her can do without much thought....)
I know you have a birthday...without further ado...
Sounding like Marilyn Monroe, only very off key, Lacie sings...
Happy Birthday to You...
Happy Birthday to You!!!
Happy Birthday dear Jaffaman!!!
Happy Birthday to YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
With that she throws her small paws around Jaffa's neck and kisses him most throughly...he actually blushes...
Flirty barks and wishes!!!
Laciegirlie and her two stoopid brothers....
(Lacie winks at Miss Sunshade, having read all her books on flirting etiquette as quickly as Sunshade had written them!!!)
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