(mum: I have trained them both to "wait" until I say "OK", before they're allowed to jump out of the car.)
Jaffaman no want to wait wait, so I pull pulled,

Mummy said said Jaffaman be good good, and line line come off! So Jaffaman was good good, see see,

Good good again,

Then YIPEE PEEE! Me free free! (Sunshade: who says "yipee-pee"?? geez...)

Mummy taught taught Jaffaman ROLL ROLL OVER, me show show you, me learn learned in wittle time,
(mum: he learned it in a total of 20 mins. His attention span was still quite short, so I divided into a few training sessions.) (Sunshade: I learned it in 18.99 mins, I WIN!!)
Mummy said said ok Jaffaman look handsome handsome for two more pictures ok ok?
I said ok ok, ONE...


Now Jaffaman go see my new friend friend ok??

My friend friend is Lola,

She is girl like my Sunshade and Stellie. She's wittle like Stellie, not big big like my Sunshade (Sunshade: *ahem* I'm just BIG boned ok??)

(mum: Lola is a 5 month old Airedale, a very cute and spunky girl!!)
(Sunshade: oh GRRRRREAT...more stinkies.....)
We play play alot,

(Sunshade: Ok, I can answer that boy vs. gurrrrrl question. Take me and STINKY as an example: my brain is bigger than STINKY's even though our heads are of the same size, his is half filled with Aire!! Its a no brainer question.)
(Mum: Hmmm... Let me set this straight, I didn't want to say it on camera to mislead people. I personally do see a huge difference between my girl Sunshade, and my boy Jaffa. Despite them being closely related in bloodline, they are at the opposite ends of the spectrum with this breed. The only similarities they share are they are both extremely smart, and extremely cute IMO! To sum the differences, Sunshade is stubborn, dominant, confident, independent, protective, loyal, aloof, sensible, calm, thinks a lot, understands a lot. Jaffa is easy going/happy go lucky, energetic, friendly, outgoing, acts before he thinks, non-dominant, patient, playful, sweet and loving towards everyone. Most Airedales I believe fall somewhere in between. So if I were just looking at my two, I would definitely say there is a huge difference between male & female.
However, when I look at Stella, Jaffa's litter sister, I see A LOT of similarities between her and Jaffa. She is a little calmer, more sensible, and I can see her "thinking" a lot of the times. Other than that, she and Jaffa are almost identical. Because of this, I believe the personality of a particular Airedale greatly depend on the particular breeding, how the dale was raised, the environment the dale was raised in. Jaffa and Sunshade were raised under very different circumstances.)
Lola bite bite on me, I said said ok ok, me no no care!

Me go on my back back for wittle Lola, see see,

Lola said said she can go on back back too!

We run run a lot lot,

(mum: most of the pictures turned out a big blur because they were constantly moving!!)
Then my mouth got dry dry, so me show show Lola water, see see,

Lola's mummy gave us yummy treat treats!! Lola sit sit,

When you good good, treats fall into mouf, see see,

Jaffaman's mouf toooo!

(Sunshade: where is my portion? Did you bring some for me too? Prefer from the hand that was NOT feeding you and the stinky, thank you.)
Me chew chew slow, Lola and other doggie said said are you done done yet??? (Sunshade: he eats like a gurrrrrrrrl!!!)

(mum: Jaffa is a delicate eater, the same thing can't be said about Miss Piggy LOL)
Jaffaman and Lola playing,
(Sunshade: OMG!! I think this was the first time in your life that you've been OUT-BIT!!!!! Now do you know how I, and everydog/body else feels when you land shark our faces and hooman hands???)
Then time to go go (mum: 2 hours later!!), and we got line lines put on, but cute cute Lola said please no go go Jaffa....

Lola said play play more please.....

She said said if you no no play, I'll bite bite Jaffaman's drumstick!!

Jaffaman no no care. Lola can bite bite, I love friend friends!!!
Your friend Lola is a real cutie, Jaffa, and we enjoyed seeing the two of you play together in all of your videos! Congratulations on rolling over!
Happy birthday to you and your sissy, Stella, Jaffa! Sunshade is baking you a cake as we speak, right?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Jaffa! I think I actually saw you getting tired from all that bitey face puppy action. Puppies are just go go go, even more than you!
You are most clever to learn that trick in minutes. Momma measures my learning times in days, weeks, months. I take more time to think.
You did a very nice wait too and your furs look just beautiful.
Sunshade sounds a lot like me = the best. Looks like you had a fun day with your pal Lola.
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