(mum: Sunshade can get overly protective of the pups should a dog or dogs decide to be unruly towards either one of them.)
Me got to meet meet a lot lot new friend friends,

Jaffaman see see a big big guy. He said said HI HI, I really really like like you.

Me said said I like like you too ok ok??

Big guy said said I REALLY REALLY like you!!

Jaffaman said said WAAAAAAAAHHHH.... OH NO NO NO..... me me like Kaylie Kaylie Girl ok ok?? Me run run away fast fast!!
(Stella: my brother Jaffa is so silly...hehe.... um... he like sniffs other dogs, and then comes back to me to play with me.

I still like him a lot tho because he is a good brother you know what I mean??

Princess Stella and Jaffa like to discuss things a lot (Sunshade: NO KIDDING! Especially in front of me - YOUR AUNT!!!). Here I was like ummm... Jaffa.. look at all that white foam in the bucket... do you think it's safe to like um... drink it??

Jaffa was like me no no know, but me drink drink too ok ok?? Because he was like we get sick sick together ok ok?? So I was like ummm.... hmmmmmm.... I guess so....

Princess Stella saw someone that looked like Jaffa and me and Aunty Sunshade you know??

Elaine was like that's Marlie and she is three years old. I think this is like Marlie's mommy and Marlie's mommy's baby, and then there is like another puppy in Marlie's mommy's tummy that is coming soon.

Elaine told me Marlie's mommy really liked me and wanted to be Princess Stella's mommy, but Princess Stella was like ummm...... I really really want my kookie family because I was like I want to be THE baby Princess of the kookie family you know what I'm saying?? So Elaine was like ok Princess Stella can go to the kookie family, and Marlie's mommy found Marlie at another breeder's house, and Princess Stella and Marlie are both like the happiest!!)
(mum: This was another potential home interested in Stella. Great people who had tragically lost both of their Airedales (3 year old brothers - Jack and George from one of Sunshade's posts) within four months of each other. However, because they have a one year old daughter, and another baby due in September, I wasn't sure if Stella would get the attention she needed. Everything worked out for everyone as Stella went to the best home she could have possibly hoped for, and these folks got Marlie, the three year old girl from a local breeder.)

(Sunshade: Hey, I like that BIG, white guy in the back. Did either of you get his number for me??)
Marlie Marlie like Jaffaman a lot a lot. See see, she said said hey hey, you are handsome handsome!!

I said said thank you thank you Marlie. You are pretty pretty, I'm shy shy.....

Marlie said said no no be shy shy ok ok?? Let's play play!!

Me said said ok ok, but my sister Stellie play play with us too too ok ok?? Marlie was nice nice, she said said ok ok!

(Sunshade: some VERY important, VERY special DALE is missing from these photos. Can you guys guess WHOOOOO???)
(Stella/Jaffa: Ummmm..... Jaffa knows! / me no no know...)
Jaffaman, Stellie, Marlie and friend friends,
Me me meet meet a funny funny guy, see see him?

He said said WASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSUP UP!!!! I said said I no no know what you said said, but you play play?? He said said ok ok, but...... oh no no...

He said said to Jaffaman, are you Lillie V??

I said said me no no Lillie V, me me is Jaffaman!! But he no no like me... he said said I no no want to play play with you...

Sunshade said said that could be DOOFUS aka. Tanner, Joey Stains' brother. Really really Tanner?? You come come from Arizona??)
(Stella: I am a pretty little Princess!!!

Echo the Eurasier telled me so.

I liked him too, but not in THAT way if you know what I mean?

But ummm.... I think he really like.. um.. likes me in THAT way because he just keeped following me. So smart Princess Stella was like,

And I was like OMG it worked and Princess Stella runed away!!

But oh boy... he and all his other buddies finded me while I was drinking, you see what I'm saying??)
(Sunshade: those BOYZ obviously mistaken you as ME... GEEZUS....)
Wow, looks like you had great fun. And how cool to meet yet another 'Dale to play with.
Katy xxx
Princess Stella!! DOGGGG! YOu had the boys lined up to sniff your muscle butt, didn't you? I like how cool and detached you are while they just wait for you to finish at the bar. (You and Jaffa are so funny drinking together... I think you guys were using the same tongue rhythm to lap up your water).
Jaffaman!! I can't believe you met the DOOFUS! I can't believe he didn't play with you. But, you got some good wrasslin' & playing in with Stella & Marlie! I know Kaylie's your girlfriend, but is Marlie one too (or are you a one pupgirl dog)?
Goober love,
Hi Jaffa! What fun you're having playing with Stella and now Marley! You're so lucky to have all these Dales live close to you. Hey Jaffa, ask you mom what brand harness Sunshade wears please and have her email me,okay? It looks like Stella wears the same kind! Mom wants one for me and it looks super heavy duty!
It's so nice to be back from vacation!
Love ya lots,
Princess Stella and Jaffa, will you tell Elaine that her use of different voices is wonderful and makes me laugh? Thanks,
Wow Wow Wow Jaffa Jaffa. Looks like fun fun where you & Stellie went. I want to be there to play play too!!! I ask MaMa if I can go go next year & she say may be yes yes. Kaylie very happy happy.
I heart heart the poster poster you sent, Jaffa. MaMa says she heart heart the poster poster too!
oh dog I wish I could send Tanner to Canada, that would be AWESOME. You guys sure had lots of fun with Marlie and all those other guys. I feel bad that Sunshade didn't get to play too.
Oh wow, what a fun day with SO SO many doggies to meet! Stella is really quite a social butterfly. :) Luckily Sunshade wasn't there else she might get a tad bit jealous.
i tot Stellie was really smart to trick Echo. keke...
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