Mummy take take Jaffaman to see Sunshade's Aunty Janice. Sunshade no no come with us. Me me was good good. See see, me wait wait in Aunty Janice's room.

Mummy said said wave wave Jaffa!! I said said ok ok.

Mummy said said look look here Jaffaman! I said said ummm..... ok ok..

(Sunshade: last photo of his lovelies.......)
Aunty Janice come come and touch touch Jaffaman here and there and over there, and said said you are a healthy healthy boy!! (mum: Janice gave him a full physical exam and he was deemed healthy for surgery. He had had a full blood panel done a couple days ago as well to make sure there were no hidden problems.)
Then then Jaffaman said said OWIE OWWWWWWWIE..... my leggie hurt hurt...... and then and then.... my eye eyes want to close close, see see, like this..

(mum: Jaffa was given a sedative so make him sleepy. Janice said a dog will tend to wake up in the state they went under. Preferably, you want a dog to wake up calmly from the anesthetic especially if they have just had surgery. So a sedative is given to make the dog sleepy before being induced.)
Me said said my leggies are soft soft mummy.....
(mum: sedatives were taking effect after 15 mins. He was getting a little wobbly.)
Mummy said said lie down down Jaffaman, and me said said ok ok.

Jaffaman no no wemember what happened, but me me see see Aunty Janice and Aunty Jen and me me stand stand on table. Me me got another owie owie in my leggie, but me me was good good, me me said said Jaffaman sleepy sleepy..... (mum: catheter was put in his foreleg)

Aunty Janice put thing thing in owie owie in my leggie. (mum: the induction drug Profovol was injected into the catheter)

Me me feel weird weird..... me no no know why me no no know how to stand stand.... and then..... and then.... ZZZZZZZZZZzZzzzzZZZZ..

(mum: here Janice was continuing to slowly give Jaffa the Profovol while monitoring him. As soon as he was out, she stopped giving him the drug.
Janice doesn't like to give a dog its maximum induction dosage (pre-anesthetic drug given) unless necessary (ie, dog refuses to go under) because she would like the dog to be able to wake up and be able to walk out of the clinic same day of the surgery. The effect of the Profovol can last up to 12 hour, which means you can have a completely stoned dog long after surgery. A completely stoned dog would need constant attention to make sure he's breathing ok or isn't suffering from any complications.
I'll be taking over for a little while here since Jaffa was out cold. He was intubated,

Shaved and sterilized for surgery,

Moved into the surgery room,

Jaffa was strapped down since muscle spasms can occur even when a dog is under. He was hooked up to oxygen and Isoflurane gas to keep him anesthetized.

Also hooked up to the blood pressure monitor. You can hear his heart beat here,
Surgery Begins:
This is a laser surgery machine.

Janice likes to call it her $30 000 clotting machine because it seals small blood vessels during surgery so causes very little bleeding and speeds up surgery (less time under anesthesia, the better).
Just look at how clean the incision was - through the skin and layer of fat,

Perineum region, notice how there is virtually no bleeding? That is because of the laser.

Here is a video showing the laser making the incision and actually the extraction of a testicle.
Testicle 1, (Sunshade: OMG!!!!! OH NO OH NO.... his lovelie....)

Blood supply going to the testis,

Testicle 2, (Sunshade: *speechless*.....)

Closing up the incision,

All sewed up. The incision was only about 1 inch long.

I am very fortunate to have laser surgery available as an option for my guys. It causes less pain, less bleeding, less swelling, less chance of infection, and faster recovery period.
To read full Advantages of Laser Surgery, please click HERE
He was tattooed for indentification,

Jaffa was in surgery at about 12:30pm, and out by 1 pm. We took x-rays of his hips because you can only really get good x-rays of hips when dogs are put under.

Janice said these are good hips!!!

Lastly before moving Jaffa to recovery, his nails were dremelled.

Janice allows owners to come while their dog is waking up from anesthesia as it is the most confusing, even traumatic period for the dog. Having owners there talking to their dog while he or she is waking up is very comforting for the dog.)

Jaffaman no no know what happened... but me me heard mummy said said Jaffa? Jaffa, good good boy. Mummy pet pet Jaffaman and said said you are brave brave Jaffa!

Aunty Jen was nice nice, she put warm warm good good baggies around Jaffaman. She said said blankie and warm warm baggies keep Jaffaman warm warm and comfy comfy. See see,

Then Jaffaman want to say say me see see doggie, but me no no how because tongue tongue no no listen..

(mum: he was just starting to be able to lift his head up, but still pretty stoned.)

Jaffaman was brave brave, me said said me can stand stand now. See see,

A wittle bit after, Jaffaman said said I think me me can walk walk now. See see, me try try! Nice nice Aunty Jen said said good good boy Jaffaman, have liver treat treats!!
(mum: my little old man shuffling his feet around.... LOL)
Good good Aunty Janice said said Jaffaman recovered fast fast. She said said Jaffaman walk walk now, so it's ok ok to go go home!
(mum: Jaffa woke up from the anesthesia very well and was walking 2 hours post operation. Janice wants them walking before leaving the clinic and we were out of the clinic by 3:30 pm.)
Me me said said to mummy Jaffaman kinda wittle bit hungry.... So good good mummy took took Jaffaman to friend friend's food food place (mum: my friend's restaurant), and friend friend's nice nice mommy gave Jaffaman eggie. See see,

But me me no no got a lot a lot of energy, so me no no know how to eat eat like this this... (mum: he's such a baby..hehe!)

So me said said mummy mummy, can you please make it small small for Jaffaman?? Good good mummy said said ok ok.

Eggie was yummmy yummmy... but Jaffaman was wittle bit tire tired..

Mummy said said lets go to park park for Jaffaman to pee pee and poo poo before we go go home ok ok?? Me said said NO PROBLEMO!!

Then I said said we go go home ok ok mummy?? Jaffaman want to see MY Sunshade ok ok?? Mummy said said ok ok, good good boy Jaffa.

Jaffaman in Sunshade's car car going home home. Me me was sleepy sleepy....

Me got got home, and my Sunshade said said where are your ball balls?? Me said said HUH?? Oh no... where did ball balls go???
(Sunshade: OMG.. I was so relieved to see you mum, I thought you had abandoned me forever..... and SPCA was gonna show up and take me away ...... and I would never ever see you again..... you never leave me alone ALLLL day mum...... I was so sad... so afraid.....
Do you feel quilty now??)
(mum: okay drama queen! You've been watching too many Animal Cops tv shows!!)
(Sunshade: sigh... sometimes... I feel only Georgie understands my pain....)
Good good Sunshade said said it's ok ok to sleep on Sunshade's big bed bed. I said said thank you thank you.... me me sleep ok ok?

Mummy said said look look brave brave Jaffa, mummy got got you toy toys. Me said said thank you thank you mummy but me me play play tomorrow ok ok??

Good good mummy also got got Jaffaman a new leash because me a good boy. (Sunshade: no, it's because you chewed your old one up!)

Jaffaman said said me me a wittle hungry mummy. Mummy said said ok ok I'll make you food food ok ok?

Mummy said said orangy paste (Sunshade: mumpkin puree) (mum: as in pumpkin puree LOL) will make Jaffaman poo poo not hard hard and not runny runny. White white thing thing (Sunshade: yogurt) is good buggies to make my tum tum happy happy. (Sunshade: keep his intestinal flora healthy)
See see, mummy put put yummy yummy chicken in yummy yummy chicken juice and put two dead dead chicken babies (Sunshade: as in eggs).

Jaffaman's yummy yummy food food cook cooked!!

Mummy put put orangy thing thing in with yummy yummy food food and said said here is din din Jaffa. Me said said thank you thank you mummy. Sunshade said said wow... that smells good good. Me said said yes yes, you are right right. (Sunshade: right right but you don't share??)

See see, Sunshade really want want food food.

Mummy said said ok ok Sunshade have wittle bit ok ok? Because mummy said said Sunshade can't be fat fat. (Sunshade: so stingy....)

Jaffaman said said this is yummy yummy, thank you thank you mummy!

Me me love love yummy food food, see see, no no food food left,

Then mummy said said go work work on computer because she no no work in the morning. So me said said Jaffaman come with mummy ok ok?? Nice nice Sunshade said said it's ok ok to sleep sleep on her bed bed.

Mummy put put my Sunshade's pant pants on Jaffaman.

Mummy said said no no licking sore sore ok ok?? Me said said ok ok, but me no no like pants pants. It no no look good good....

My Sunshade was nice nice, she said said ok ok, me wear pants too too ok ok?? See see, like this,

I said said ok ok, thank you thank you Sunshade. Nite nite!!

(mum: Sunshade was wearing those pants because she had a hot spot that she wouldn't leave it alone.
I am very proud of my Jaffa boy today. He did excellent throughout surgery, peed and pooped no problem afterwards, and doesn't seem too interested in his incisions at all.
Now the tough part - keeping the little man calm for the next 10 days.........)
Oh... Stinky, do you think your Sunshade will chase you out from being part of her pack now that you have no more lovelies? I saw on her blog that she think you are no longer steamy...
You sure is a good and brave boy. You deserve to be pampered after all the "hard work".
Hi Jaffa,
We watched your surgery! We were squeezing our eyes shut and feeling your pain but we watched! Mitch says he's glad he didn't see this BEFORE his bigboy surgery!
What a trooper you are!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
jaffa, pawsonally i think you look sooooooo cute with the pink panty. LOL
wet wet licks
jaffaman!!! it was an eye opener to watch the vid!! n pix!! I must say the vets were SUPERB! I suffered alot durin my spay (had to be on drip & a fungus infection).. because of a very inexperienced vet. sigh... how i wish we had laser surgery here..
U'll always be Jaffaman even w/o ur lovelies yea. ;p very brave brave boy... me like..
Heya Jaffa, you are so brave!!!! Me also just done my sterilisation last friday. The facilities at my side aren't as good as yours... Lucky you =)
Take good care!
Hi Jaff - Teddy The Rocketman here. WOW you were so brave having that op! I am 3 days older than you I was born on the 10th Nov. I am hanging firmly on to my tackle - my big bro Webster lost his 18mths ago. Ouch!
I love to play lots and I am studying digging and electronics. Fanks for visitin our blog. Come back soon.
The Rocket Man & The Thuglets
Wow, that's so cool that mum got to stay and watch your surgery. Hope those drugs have worn off and you're not a drunken wobbly old man any more!
Katy xxx
Wow - watching the surgery was fascinating Jaffa, you're really a BIG BOY now!!!!
Love & Aire Kisses,
We're back, Jaffa!
That's pretty cool that you got a tattoo! We're glad your hips are okay too! You're one healthy boy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Dear Jaffa, by now I'm sure you're feeling better. Watching the video was ummm, a bit tough but not as tough as you are. What a brave, brave boy! Although after the surgery, you did walk like John Wayne.
Aww Jaffie, you did great! Getting my surgery was ruff too. Good luck and take it easy!
Hey Jaffa,
Dude i think you are very very
brave and i'm glad your operation
did'nt take long so rest up.
Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).
Brave brave Jaffa. You must be good good & no lick lick ok.
No ball balls is ok ok. I no let boyz with ball balls near me. They are nasty nasty.
You must rest rest & no rough rough play with Sunshie jie jie ok ok...
xoxoxo Kaylie Kaylie
oh jaffaman... poor you, you looked so tired! but i guess you won't miss the ballballs and it'd be better for you in the long run :)
get well soon!
I recently had my balls balls removed too. I am 8 years old, gor goodness sake. But the vet said that since i was going to have my 3 lumps removed, might as well..sigh.
Jaffa, you're such a brave boy. I cover my eyes at the opawration parts. I hope your wound heals soon
~ Girl girl
Jaffa, you really are such a brave boy!!!! I am so proud of you. That video was really an eye-opener cos we couldn't even imagine what the opawration was like. Thank you for sharing.
PS : Those pink pants look wierd...can't you get something more MANLY??
Oh Jaffa! It was so scawie trying to watch your operation's video! Sista almost scream when she saw your testicle pop out like that! Glad you are doing great, speedy recovery to you!
oh jaffa you sure are one brave guy, congrats on getting through that surgery ok!
WOw JAffa, you are such a brave boy and your mom are such a brave mom too. She was there accompany you for the whole surgery...bravo!!
holy crap i allowed to say that./.you had quite an ordeal..i cant believe your aunties stole your wonder is omeone is going to take taters are a very brave boy...
hi Jaffa,
u r definitely brave brave, n recovering so well after the surgery! n your Mummy oso brave brave to stay with u thru' out the op. my Jiejie was almost covering her eyes during the incision bit on your video.
Jaffa!! Oh my gosh, my mom totally chickened out and couldn't watch the video. Um hello? It's not like she had to go through that!!
Glad to hear you're recovering well!! Don't worry, you won't miss those ball-balls at all!
woah Jaffa!
I went here to check up on you after reading Sunshade's post..
so it really doesn't hurt? I still have my lovelies though.. yeah and I'm peeing like mad..
man.. that was a horrifying.. I watched the whole video.. that was scary..
It's been a couple of days already, so I know you're already running around like a maniac. You recovered so quickly. You must have super powers.
You are brave and strong and very pretty in your pink Sunshade pants. It takes a real MAN to wear pink and show that to the world.
Give your mama extra goober hugs ~ she is so good to you.
Goober love & hugs,
Is this a joke? I mean yea the dog was castrated, and thats pretty normal these days. But the baby talk, the double words, and the comments to a dog on the net calling him brave? Are you all on drugs or is it just me? I'm quite interested in this please someone fill me in. I'm not trying to be an asshole either. Cute dog by the way.
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