A doggy's spleen was broke broke, so we couldn't see Auntie Janice just yet. Mummy take take us to a beach. It was my first time going to a beach, and I love love it.
I watch Sunshade play play.

Anything Sunshade did did I try try.

Peeple came to pet pet me, and I chew chew on them. They like like me, so I chew chew more. When they walk walk away, I followed a few steps, then I remember mummy and Sunshade, and I run run back to them.

Mummy say say I was a good good boy!!!
(mum: I was quite surprised Jaffa actually knew to stay around us. I had expected him to just follow anyone or any dog he liked.
One thing I have noticed is, if I were to go upstairs at home, he would just wait at the bottom of the staircase, whine a little, but waits until I come down. He won't go off playing or chewing on stuff, and my friends tried to called him, he just ignored them and stood by the staircase. This is what Sunshade would do if she were put in a similar situation, but I think this is awfully mature for an 11 week old pup to do.)
I play play with sticks, I like to carry sticks in my mouph.

I stood tall tall like a ROOOOOOARRRRRRRR!!

After the run run on beach, mummy took us to see Auntie Janice again. I stand stand on the scale.
Weight at 10 weeks and 4 days: 13.6 lbs

I say HI HI to Kayla, she's Auntie Janice's dog. Kayla is 17 years old!!! Mummy said her hind legs are weak weak so she has a wheel chair.

(Sunshade: I think Kayla thinks you stink TOO!!)

Mummy want to check check my blood blood, but Auntie Janice told mummy to go go get Pet Insurance for me first.
(Sunshade: Welcome to my life. Auntie Janice knows mum likes to run millions of tests for no reason even tho they keep coming back normal. By starting on an insurance plan, in case something does come up abnormal (ie, malfunction of the stink eliminator), it will be covered.)
Auntie Janice move move my leggies, touch touch my tummies, listen listen to my heart heart, and she say say I appear to be healthy. She said I grow grow lots.
Then I saw Auntie Janice put wittle needles in Sunshade. Sunshade fall fall asleep fast, and she didn't seem to feel feel the needles. My BIG sister is so brave, I want to be brave brave just like her!! (Sunshade: it's called acupuncture)
Afterwards, mummy took me to stores to do my Scavenger Hunt for school. Me me at In the Raw.
Patty hug hug me, she said I was so calm calm, and a sweet sweet boy. She say say she's never seen an Airedale like me. I am happy happy peeple like me.

Patty say say, lets put Jaffa on the scale and weigh weigh him, I said ok ok, I'll just lie on there.

Patty say say she couldn't believe I was this good good. Mummy was proud proud.
I met met a weird doggie. He didn't have a lot of fur on him, but he made funny funny noises.

I thought he was fun fun, so I lick lick him to show my submission.

Then I bite bite his nose........ and the game end end.

Guess I shouldn't have bite bite him.....
I got treat treats, and say say Good-By.
The second store we go go was called Fetch. This is William, he's the store dog. He sniff sniff me, so I lift lift my leggie to let him sniff sniff.

After he done done sniffing me, I wag wag my tail, sniff sniff him. I didn't jump jump on him, mummy said I was good good. (mum: a very respectful pup)

Me and William's mummy. She said I was calm calm and good good. I said thank you!

I was so tired after, I slept the whole way home.
I was ready to play play again after we got home. Mummy was making Sunshade pear mush, and I chew chew on mummy. Mummy didn't like like, and she put put pear stickers on me.

I am organic and $1.45/lb

(Sunshade: so that makes you $19.72.... ANY BUYERS???)

Wow, what a busy day for a little guy!
The beach looks fun. Mum says she will take me when the weather is warmer, but we have to drive a few hours to the beach.
Oscar x
awwwww, look how cute cute you are!!!
nose licks
Pear mush??? Sounds pretty good to me!
Mom says she's buyin and she'll pay double for Stinky!
You're just the cutest pup money can buy Jaffa!
Love ya lots,
Mama says she will buy you, organic or not.
Boy n Baby
Mom says she'll send $20 and you can keep the change, but I'd rather have Sunshade...
Jaffa you are SUCH a good pup you've really gotta start doing something wrong, you're making all of us other Dales look bad!
You're soooooooooo cute
Hi Jaffa,
Awwww.. no way!! $19.72 is way too cheap for a cute and smart boy like you! I am sure your mummy wouldn't let you go no matter what the offer is..
Jaffa, I think you are the most well behaved puppy Mommy has ever seen!
Looks like you had a really fun day. As for the organic stickers...lol, you still look adorable!~
jaffa you are just the cutest pup that ever there was.
Tail wags
Mom has $10 in her wallet and ONE TANNER, is that good enough to get Jaffa???
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