Lisa came to say HI HI. I was polite, I didn't jump jump up up. Lisa said I was the calmest Airedale pup she' sever met.

(mum: this is a six week Puppy Socialization Class for pups 8 to 14 weeks of age. The class is not so much for obedience, but more for socialization, and the imprinting period which will set the tone for the rest of a dog's life. 8 to 14 weeks is THE most important imprinting period for a pup. Anything the pup sees, anyone he meets are imprinted forever in the pup. This is why it is very important to make every encounter as positive as possible. If the pup develops a fear towards something (ie, people wearing sunglasses), it is very important to work the problem through (ie, get people to wear sunglasses and give out yummy treats) before 14 weeks of age, after that, the dog will always react to a certain degree.
I had taken an Airedale pup to this same exact class three years ago, and he turned out to be a well mannered, wonderful dog. I wish this kind of class was available when Sunshade was a pup, but I'm thankful she turned out quite OK.)
There were many many doggies (mum: there were 8), and some of them like to bark bark a lot. This French Boodog and this English Boodog were both old old, around 19 weeks of age, they bark bark at each other a lot. Must be a French - English thing.

I wasn't sure about all that bark bark at first. So I just sit sit and watch watch.

There was also another big big 4 months old puppy, his name was Griffin I think. He was doing his second set of puppy classes. He had BIG BIG bark bark. Everytime he bark bark, I got a little worried, so mummy started giving me a treat treat everytime he bark bark. After a while, I look look at mummy everytime he bark bark because I wanted treat treats!!

I paid attention when teachers talk talk. See

We learned how to "wait wait", which means to calm calm, and then be released. It was simple because I am calm calm. Then we learn how to take treat treat gently from peeple hands. It was easy too because I am gentle.
Then we had some on-leash meet meet time with other puppies. Because this was our first class, we were on leash. Next week, we can run run off leash with each other. I want to go to next week NOW!!
I dun remember this guy's name name..... he is 19 weeks old

I dun remember her name name too.... my brain is still little, she is 12 weeks old

This is Turbo I think, and he is 14 weeks old

The big big dog in this tv is Griffin, he is 4 months old. His mommy was a German Short Haired Pointer, his daddy was a big black German Shepherd. I wonder if he talk talk German?
The outgoing girl in this tv is Noel, I dun remember how old she is... She is a Beagle X _________ (three guesses). I will write write the answer at the bottom of the post.
I really liked this guy, because he was smaller than me. His name is "Shorty" and he is 12 weeks old.
I think I was the youngest of them all at 9 weeks! I guess I'll be super socialized??

Teachers said I have to do do homework. They gave me a flashing box and told me to go hunt hunt!!

(mum: This is a Puppy Scavenger Hunt with the sole purpose of exposing the pup to the "outside", different places, different people. For the next four weeks, there are two designated locations I have to take Jaffa to each week. He will have his photos taken at those designated locations, get their business cards, bring the business cards to class as tokens and exchange for a prize. It's possible to score extra points by taking Jaffa to places (ie, a stable to meet farm animals, picture beside a cat, etc) other than the listed designated places. At the end of week five, the cameras will be handed in, and we will each get a scrap book back during week 6 - graduation week.
This week, we will be visiting two stores.)
Answer: Noel is Beagle X Parson Russel Terrier
All those puppies Jaffa! You did look so calm for an Airedale! I'm very proud of you. Good job! Sounds like you're going to be very busy in the next few weeks!
Love ya lots,
Wow, that looks like such a cool class! Your little hops about on the videos are funny , though I know I used to do it too.
You are soon going to be bigger than some of those pups!
Enjoy the scavenger hunt.
Oscar x
Simba wishes he was there, although he might just traumatize the other puppies.. which kinda defeats the purpose of the class ;)
Can he pretend to be 12 weeks old? he's not that big!
oh jaffa,
i learn learn a lot from you! when my hooman getting my little bro/sis, i sure will tell tell them about the important period between 8 to 14 weeks to expose my little one.
however, my hooman didn't know all this when they got me. how i hope they know you and sunshade... i mean just sunshade coz you haven't even born yet!
wet wet licks
Jaffa, looks like you has so much fun!! All those puppies!~ The scavenger hunt is such a great idea too. Did your Mommy let you take some pictures too??
Where was sunshade?
jaffa, that dog shorty is no bigger than a dump I take in the yard! by the way all that hopping around you do is so cute, mom can barely stand it!
That sure look likes alot of fun. Well, whatever you dont understand in the class, you can ask Sunshade. Your sister is a smart girl, you know.
Boy n Baby
Hey Jaffa,
Welcome to www.dogswithblogs.com.au - it is great to meet you and I am sure you will make lots of friends here :-) Make sure you listen to Miss Sunshade - she will teach you lots of things :-)
Hey Jaffa - sounds like a big dog party at class... I think I would like it... I don't remember if I ever went to school.
Glad you are having fun.
Love and Licks,
Texas (and his humans).
Jaffa, you are a smart smart boy. Like Oscar said, soon you will be bigger than most of those puppies in your class; and since you're a terrier, smarter, too.
Excellent work Jaffa! I think all of us bigger Dales are really proud of you!!!
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