Sunday, March 25, 2012


Mummy pull pull Jaffaman's haire and me look like this, (mum: Jaffa gets handstripped in stages.),

My Sunshade says me is a dork dork... do Jaffaman look like a dork dork??

Mummy said me no no a dork and me will look good good when she is finish pulling my haire, so she pull pull more haire, see, me no no got hair on my back leggies and bum bum now,

She pull pull haire off my head and ears too, so me look like this now,

(mum: Today, I met a man with an Airedale while walking Sunshade and Jaffa. He was very nice, we talked dales, Jaffa and his dale played. Before leaving, he very nicely told me that there was a person who "specialized in grooming Airedales", and handed me the business card for that person. He said he was trying to groom his dale on his own so he didn't need the service, but his friend took her Airedale to this place, and the dale looked like a show dog after. I tried very hard not to smile too much because he handed me MY business card for Squaire Dog Grooming :-)

And I can't blame him one bit for letting me know that someone could groom my dales (better) for me because Jaffa looked like the pictures above.... LOL! He is midway through stripping, I need to wait for my blisters to heal a bit more before continuing. Have had a couple of handstripping clients in the last week on top of Jaffa!

I never told the man it was my grooming service he had recommended to me. Was too embarrassed!)

See, this was Jaffaman last time after mummy done done pulling my haire,

Me no no look like dork dork!!!

(Sunshade: I am WAY more bootiful than him!

And I don't have to go through weird plucked chicken, mangy stages because I get clipped!!)

(mum: those pictures were taken in August 2011, about 10 days after I had finished stripping him and his haire had grown in a bit. He is one handsome boy, after I finish my job of course ;-) )

Please visit Squaire Dog Grooming's:


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi E, I think that you've found your true calling in life. Maybe you could add "vet tech" and work at MC.

ellen said...

We all have our bad haire days, Jaffa.

Dandy Duke said...

You are such a handsome boy, Jaffa! I'm glad your pantyloons are gone.

Love ya lots

MTWaggin said...

Jaffa you never look like a dork and tell Sunshade to quit beeing snooty! LOL You are a handsome dude no matter how your hair looks.

Asta said...

JaffaJaffa you awe nevew nevew a dowk! you awe handsome handsome boy and youw Mommi is a cleve clevew lady
smoochie kisses

Dexter said...

Oh dear, Jaffa, it kind of brings to mind the phrase "I don't want to know how the sausage is made." I have to say that you DO look like a dork dork during those in between phases.
