She did same to my Sunshade, see see,

Mummy and DD-Guy went to fun fun place, (Sunshade: you can see the full ABANDONMENT report on MY SuperBLOG.)

So me me and my Sunshade look like this now...

Mummy and DD-Guy went to another fun fun place, and they said to Jaffaman, there is a store for you!!! (mum: We were at Universal Studios in Orlando.)

Me no no know why this is Jaffaman store, it no no look like handsome Jaffaman...

(Sunshade: that's your store because it has YOUR NAME on it! You ARE the landshark, and we are all the victims plus all the dogs you meet. I find it puzzling that they had your store and not a MUSCLE BUTT store.)

At the same fun fun place, mummy and DD-Guy saw funny things and peeple,

Mummy got picture with a big big kitty!

Big big kitty is from this story,

See see, mummy, DD-Guy and my Sunshade and me all got Thing Things!

Jaffaman and my Sunshade,

My Sunshade and mummy are Thing Thing 1,

Jaffaman and DD-Guy are Thing Thing 2. DD-Guy said Thing Thing 1 are for bossy girlies like mummy and my Sunshade. We no no bossy like them. (Sunshade: you guys are SOOO in trouble!)

Then my Sunshade was no no well......

She got cut cut like this, see see,

Jaffaman said you play play with me ok ok my Sunshade? And mummy said NO NO, and she said me go play wif my friend Simba ok?

(mum: Some of you know this already if you have been following Sunshade's blog. Sunshade was diagnosed on November 12th with a type of cancer called Soft Tissue Sarcoma. She needed to be on IV before and after the surgery, and she also had a huge scar. Jaffa being the energetic, goofball that he is, is sometimes a bit too much for Sunshade. While Sunshade would try to tell him off if he's in her space, I on the other hand preferred that she didn't so we didn't risk the incision splitting or getting infected. So Jaffa has been staying with Derek's family dog Simba.)
Jaffaman said ok ok, me like Simba, me like everybuddy,

(Sunshade: POOOOOR Simba.... Unfortunately Simba, I'm still *ahem* not feeling well, and I doubt I'll ever feel well. So it looks like you're stuck with him FOREVER.... so sorry....)
Simba's house no no far from my Sunshade's house, so mummy come see Jaffaman 1,2 times a day. She take me and Simba for walk walk,

We go to park park to play, see see,

Mummy throw ice cubies for Jaffaman, see see,

Me jump high high and eat ice cubie in the aire, (Sunshade: OMG! Do you see his crazy landsharking teethies?)

Simba do do the same, but he no no jump as high as Jaffaman!

(mum: when Jaffa jumps, all 4 of his feet leave the ground!)
Then mummy said Jaffa Simba come come, you walk on same line line ok?

Mummy said Simba good good boy and me learn learn from Simba ok ok?

(Sunshade: so mum saw a few episodes of the Dog Whisperer where Cesar Milan tied a troubled dog to a well balanced dog and saw improvement with the troubled dog. Well I guess she tried to do the same thing with STINKY (troubled) and Simba (well balanced). Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it has worked. Mum tried to tie STINKY to me once so he could learn from ME, the perfect me. The HORROR it caused... I ALMOST LOST MY HEAD!!! Good thing Simba has about 30 lbs on STINKY, who is wearing an Afro right now.)
I said ok ok, me take Simba for a walk walk!!!

(mum: They don't usually get walked like that. This was the first time I tried it with them LOL. Mainly to keep Jaffa from running all the way down to the other end of the park at the sight of dogs walking by. Simba is very good about staying with me, and he is a strong dog so he does a good job holding Jaffa back LOL.)
See good good Jaffaman and Simba walk home together!! (Sunshade: He wasn't good, poor Simba was.)
Mummy said lets eat eat breakie ok ok?

I said ok ok, but Simba eat eat too ok?

(Sunshade: So mum has been trying to have Simba switched to raw food, but Simba's pawrents say no its ok (politely). And then mum hears from D-Guy that they think STINKY is an hyperactive landshark because he eats like a savage........LOL!!)
(mum: That is not true!!!!! (for all you people feeding raw or considering making the switch) Jaffa is just Jaffa kibble or raw food, and Sunshade who has always been super calm will always be super calm raw or kibble! Raw food does NOT change your dog's personality!!!)
We eat eat together!!

(mum: Luckily Derek's parents' place is only about 10 mins away, so I am able to go take the goofball for a walk twice a day and feed him as well. He really need to be stripped.... hopefully I'll have more time after Sunshade stabilizes.)
Me saw saw my Sunshade on her birfday,

See see, mummy made yummy kakes for us,

Me got thing things!!!

My Sunshade got thing things too!

We both got thing things!!!

This is my thing thing from my friend Mitchy. Jaffaman love love it, fank you Mitchy!

Mummy got this from fun fun place. Jaffaman want it please!

It's soft, me like like it,

Fank you mummy!!!

What a nice birthday you had, Jaffa! We loved the video of you and Simba together! You're both very good boys!
You look so sweet in your Mickey Mouse ears!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Jaffa......we hope you had a brillo paws birthday!
Great video of you and Simba.
You are one handsome chappie especially with your Mickey ears!
Big Nose Pokes
Thw Thugletsx
Jaffa! Good to see you. I am glad you are having fun staying with your pal. That two dog together thing. Huh. Looks like trouble to me.
You be a good boy and send good wishes to Sunshade.
I was wondering where you were in all of Sunshades pictures! I thought Sunshade had kicked you out!
That's great you have a great buddy to stay with while Sunshade gets better!
4th birthday, Jaffa?? Congratulations!
Wow! Sure time flies!
Glad you had a nice time celebrating it!
I loved your video and all the pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Birthday Jaffa!! Many more sweetie. Glad you have such a good friend in Simba to keep you company. We wondered what you were up to while Sunshade was having her operation. Love the pics of you with your shirts and Mickey/Minnie ears on. Too cute. Our mommy and daddy like to wear matching shirts and hats too. People think they must be mad at each other if they aren't matching.BOL.
BabyRD & Hootie
Whew! I was worried a bit when I never saw you in Sunshade's stories. Now I know you're OK and having fun.
I felt like I was ON that walk with you and Simba. Such good boys!
What a nice post. I really love reading these types or articles. I can?t wait to see what others have to say..
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