I said said OK OK, thank you thank you Mummy!!

Jaffaman said said me can't wait wait more ok ok mummy!!!!

See see, Jaffaman at pretty pretty park park!!

Me me so happy happy. See see, me run ruuuuuuuuun,

Mummy got got Jaffaman a queaky ball ball. See see, me love love it!!

Mummy said said ARE YOU READY READY?? I said said, yes yes, see see my ready ready face??

(mum: he puts on a very "serious" looking face whenever I ask him "are you ready?")

Jaffaman can jump jump THIS THIS HIGH, see see,

Me me LOVE LOVE to jump for ball balls!! You see see me pretty pretty Kaylie??

Jaffaman saw saw two black black doggies far far away. So I said said me go see see doggies ok ok??

(Sunshade: even tho I was still in the water retrieving, I could hear mum said "NO", but you STILL went anyway!!)
(mum: Jaffa is at the stage where he wants to meet every dog he sees.. LOL)
Black black doggies no no like Jaffaman. They said said GRRRRRRRR....GRRRRR... WOOOF GRRRRR.... WOOOOF ...... GOOOOOOOO AWAY...
Me me scared, me me stand stand with tail down down. I no no know what to do do... Then MY brave brave Sunshade run run over to Jaffaman. Sunshade said said to mean mean doggies no no be rude rude to Jaffaman!! Me said said thank you thank you Sunshade, me go go see mummy first ok ok??

(Sunshade: the picture below is the enlarged view of the area with the red outlines above. I'm the one the red arrow is pointing at, and the blue arrows point at the two dogs.

Where I am in the picture is where STINKY was. He was surrounded on either side. I went to save his stinky ass, and guess what? He ran back to mum leaving me there to fend for myself!!
Can I EVER count on him??)
(mum: Classic example of how Sunshade looks after Jaffa, and yet she does just "enough" to get the message across.
Jaffa saw the two black lab X dogs down the beach while Sunshade was out retrieving a stick. I tried to distract him to have him stay with me. But of course, I wasn't nearly as appealing as the two dogs. He ran towards them but stopped about 10 feet away and "watched". The minute the two dogs saw him, they surrounded him and started growling, snarling, and barking at him. They obviously felt he was intruding or maybe they were being protective of their owner. They weren't making any physical contacts, so I wasn't too worried. Thought Jaffa should learn not every dog would welcome him into play.
Well Sunshade felt otherwise. As soon as she saw Jaffa was in the middle of the ruckus, she came out of the water, and ran all the way down the beach to where Jaffa was. She didn't even have time to drop the stick she had just retrieved, so she brought it with her LOL. Without hesitation, Sunshade went straight up to Jaffa who was looking pretty unsure by then. I watched from afar. I didn't hear any barking or snarling from Sunshade. She dropped her stick, and from her posture, I could tell she was giving them the famous don't mess with me "Sunshade LOOK".
Interestingly enough, the moment Sunshade got in the middle of the two dogs. They stopped barking, growling, snarling all together. Jaffa seized the moment, and ran straight back to me LOL. I continued to watch as I saw the two dogs approached Sunshade respectfully, sniffed her, and went their separate ways. Sunshade then headed back to us.
It's amazing how dogs just get that "Sunshade LOOK" the moment they see it. (Sunshade: what can I say, I look sexy when I'm serious! BTW, that's when my MUSCLE BUTT really gets accentuated..hehe!)
It was a good lesson for Jaffa to learn. After the incident, he stayed with Sunshade and me even when there were dogs down the beach. I could tell he wanted to go visit them, but he didn't. He must have remembered what had happened earlier.)
Jaffaman follow my Sunshade everywhere because no no bad thing things happen when me is with my Sunshade!!

See see, Sunshade swim far far. Jaffaman no no like it when me no no be with my Sunshade.....

(mum: look at how worried the little man looked when he couldn't see his Sunshade. Instead of swimming back the way she had swam out, Sunshade decided to take the shortest swim route and swam straight to shore and walked the rest of the way back along shore. He was so relieved once he saw Sunshade appear around the corner.)
Sunshade go go again. Me said said wait wait Sunshade, I go go with you ok ok?

Me me swim a lot a lot because my Sunshade swim a lot a lot.

Jaffaman saw saw my Sunshade swim hard hard back with stickie.

I said said, me help help you ok ok Sunshade?? (Sunshade: did I have a choice??)

Me no no want my Sunshade tire tired, so me help help.

Sunshade carry far far, good good Jaffaman help carry far far too, see see,

Me me and my Sunshade carried stickie back back.

Then Sunshade said said ok ok Jaffaman take it, me me tired. (Sunshade: Actually, I just gave up!!)

(Sunshade: can't you see, I was rolling my eyes, literally.)

See see, Jaffaman and stickie stickie. Me said said thank you thank you Sunshade!!

Me love love stickies!!

Mummy throw throw stickie for Jaffaman,

Me get get the stickie like Sunshade do do,

See see?? Mummy said said Jaffa good good boy! Me said said thank you thank you mummy!

Me me wemember my Sunshade put head head under water and get get rockie. Like this this,

Me said said Jaffaman can do do too!!

See see, me put nosie under water to get ball ball,
Are you proud pround of me Sunshade Sunshade??

(Sunshade: hmmm... errrrr..... ummm.... yea ok..)
Then mummy said said Jaffa and Sunshade, time to go go now ok ok? Me said said ok ok.... and we go go up high high stairs,

Mummy said said we walk walk to car car ok ok??

Mummy said said you wait wait ok Jaffa, mummy wipe wipe Sunshade first ok ok? Me said said ok ok, but me no no wet wet anymore....

(mum: the good thing about the wire coat is it dries extremely fast. By the time we got to the car, Jaffa was practically dry. Sunshade's coat on the other hand, takes FOREVER to dry since it's all undercoat.)
Me see see Sunshade doing funny thing things when mummy dry dry me. See see, Sunshade paw paw and bite bite bag bag. Me no no know what Sunshade was doing.

Sunshade said said she no no do anything. Me said said OH OK OK.

(Sunshade: I wasn't doing anything... just look at my innocent face!)
(mum: uh huh..)
Mummy said said a lot of car cars right now,

So Jaffaman and my Sunshade come here here first,

Me no no know how to read. Me no no know where here here is, but me want to go see see my Sunshade!

(mum: it was rush hour traffic. I didn't want salt water to stay on them for too long, so I opted to take them for a rinse at the self wash place.)
Then mummy said said ok ok, Jaffaman's turn! Me said said ok ok, me no no want to play play like Sunshade now. Me want to go go ok ok?

Mummy said said wait wait, Jaffa no no go yet ok ok?

Jaffaman happy happy to go go. Mummy said said me me and Sunshade good good, so we go to park park to dry dry. (mum: to wait out the traffic.. or so I thought..) See see,

Sunshade show showed me how to dry dry before,

See see, Jaffaman dry dry like this this too!!

(Sunshade: now that's more like MY nephew!) (mum: NO KIDDING!!)

Jaffaman happy happy. Me said said me want to play play in pretty park park again ok ok mummy??

Oh Jaffa you can swimm ! Good boy... I realy have to try again. I don't want to be the only airedale who is afraid from water... How did you do this Jaffa ? Kisses, Faya
Wow, fabulous swimming little man! It looked superbly refreshing.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Jaffa Jaffa, U R good good at jump jump.
I like the pretty pretty park park. I want to go swim swim with you & Sunshade Sunshade!
Jaffa Jaffa now a big big boy!!! Black doggie is no nice nice to big big boy! No run run away from Sunshade or Mummy next time.
You have learn loads (like swimming, rolling on the grass and many many more...)from Sunshade. Aren't you glad to have such a PERFECT Aunt?
I love the park you play in.
We are just so proud of you, Jaffa! You swim in deep water and go out really far! And you even stick your face in the water to retrieve your ball! Sunshade is sure the perfect teacher!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Jaffa, you are the most polite young airedale we know. You always say thank you thank you. You were very good not to get involved with those big dogs. You never know what might have happened. Sunshade is a very good big sister to rescue you like that.
We can't wait to read about your next adventure.
Take it easy matie.
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Hi Jaffa,
What a beautiful spot. You sure have some lovely scenery in Canada! I'm so proud of your swimming. You've really come a long way in just a few weeks, keep up the great work! Smart move backing off from those other dogs. I'm not a tough dog at all, but your Sunshade, she can really hold her own. You are very lucky to have her watching over you!
If you get a chance, check out my blog, I gave you an award, cuz I love your blog!
Your Pal,
oh jaffa what a fun fun day you had at that park. You are lucky sunshade bailed you out of trouble with those black doggies, you could have been stinky mince meat!! ;)
woofies jaffa and sunshade!!! heehee jaffa, whats a good auntie u gots to get u outta trouble...and u iz reely gettin good at swimmin...heehee dat stickie was bigger than both of u..
b safe,
Jaffa man!
You are becoming an amazing swimmer,dude! That water looked so smooth & cool.
Aren't you glad Sunshade is there to protect you? She is such a good auntie/sister!
Goober love,
Jaffa, looks like FUN! I'm really going to have to get up to learn how to swim with you...
Hi Jaffa My name is Ludo http://caz-ludo.blogspot.com/
Your day out looked great out looked cool. We also have a lake by us and i love to play in the water like you.You are great at swimming I hate to swim I just go as far as I can on tippy toes hahahahahhahahahah
Hope we can be mates
Oh Jaffa, you sure a brave to go swimming . :)
~ Girl girl
YOu are a good good boy and those black doggie are bad bad doggy.
Sunshade is really a tough doggin, Jaffa! u muz be really proud dat she's your aunt! i like the way both of u roach to dryness too! like aunt like nephew!
hi jaffa,
i received your email and added yours and stelli's b'day to the event calendar. i put "stellie" instead of stephanie. is that what you want?
wet wet licks
Jaffa!!! It's almost your barkday!!! I am sure you'll be spoiled!! :)
Momo xoxo
Happy Barkday Jaffa!!!!
Please send my wishes to Stellie ya.
Happy Burpday! You're officially an adult now!
Hi Ya'll Happy Barkday Jaffa! Hope your pawry was as fun as the park day w/no black doggies OH they weren't us
wagging tails from the tx trio barking loud!
Hi Ya'll again.... Princess Stella happy Barkday to you too! It's your pawty you can bark if you want to...
wagging tails from the tx trio barking loud!
woofies Jaffa and Stellie!!!! HAPPY BARKDAY TO U BOTHHHH!!! me hopeies u gets lots of pressies and treats...miss ur posties..come back to blogging soon...
b safe,
Happy Birthday Brother Jaffa -- I had like lots and lots of fun at the rugby field yesterday. I hope you and Sunshade had fun too. Can't wait to celebrate today!
Thanks to Jaffa's pup friends for sending Princess Stella birthday wishes too!!!!!
We hope you have a wonderful day.
Love from Hammer
Hope you have a wonderful day too !!
Love from Hammer
Happy Birthday Jaffa and Stella.
I hope you two had a great day!
Happy Barkday, Jaffa and Stella.
Hope that you are enjoying yourself on you 1st barkday.
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