Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sunshade's blog blog's birfday

Today is Sunshade's blog blog's birfday and I said said WOW.. your blog blog is older than Jaffaman!!

Sunshade said said come help help me with paper and you get to eat eat these,

I said said OK OK, Jaffaman help help with paper ok ok Sunshade?

Mummy gave gave me this treat treat...... but I no no like it...

Jaffaman no no like chocolates, just like MY Sunshade. See see, Jaffaman no no like this this,

(mum: those were carob drizzles, but I guess both he and Sunshade just don't like anything that smells like chocolate.)

Good good mummy took no no good thing things off (mum: carob),

Me me said said thank you thank you mummy!


Me me eating, and Sunshade eating and eating and eating!

(Sunshade: did you hear that bootiful "CRUNCH" I made with the dehydrated liver treat with icing??)

Me me love love it, so me said said GIMME GIMME the whole thing ok ok??

Jaffaman got a wittle bit rest and mummy said said time to eat eat again!!

See see, me got got rib ribs from cow cow,

Jaffaman was good good. Mummy said said WAIT. I said said ok ok me wait wait but HURRRRRRY ok ok?

Then mummy said said OK, go eat!!

Me me no no like to get paw paw smell like cow cow (mum: he doesn't like to touch the raw meat), so me eat eat with paw paw open open like this,

MY Sunshade no no like her paw paw smell like cow cow too, so she eat eat like this too too!

(mum: neither of them like to get the raw meat smell on themselves, so they avoid having to "hold" the bones with their paws. Sunshade will actually go wipe her face after she eats to keep herself clean.)

(Sunshade: yes, I like to rub my face against the sides of my big bed or the sofa bed!)

(mum: ................. sheets are constantly being washed and changed in this house)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Mr. Hose is dead dead

MY Sunshade mad mad at Mr. Hose.... today.. she said said GRRRRRR...GRRRRRR.. I'm gonna eat eat you!

Sunshade said said Jaffaman, I need your help help! (Sunshade: "STINKY") But me no no like Mr. Hose... because he shzzz shhhhzzzzz shhhhhhZZZZZZ a lot lot (Sunshade: as in spray a lot) and me me no like it....

Jaffaman like to play play with thing things me find find, see see, like this,

(Sunshade: thing things = "garbage")

Or Jaffaman like like to play play with stickies!!

Me like like to lie in hole hole MY Sunshade made made with paw paws, see this BIG one??

MY Sunshade was brave brave, Mr. Hose dead dead, and I said said WHEWWWWWWW..... bye bye dead dead Mr. Hose!

Jaffaman and MY Sunshade took a break break

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Me copy copy MY Sunshade

Jaffaman love love MY Sunshade so me like to do do what Sunshade do do!!

MY Sunshade like like ball balls,

Me me too!

MY Sunshade say say I'm REEEEEEEEADY!!

Jaffaman ready ready toooooo!!


Jaffaman UP UP!!

Ball Ball!!

Jaffaman see see ball ball toooooo!!

MY Sunshade good good, got BIG ball ball!

Jaffaman second good good, got second big big ball ball!

Me me and MY Sunshade play with ball ball when we play played on ball ball field. (Sunshade: UBC Rugby field)

MY Sunshade happy happy, and say say watch my ear fly FLY!!

Me me happy HAPPY too, so my ears fly FLY too!!

MY Sunshade sniff sniff, and say say something YUMMY... (Sunshade: that's the "SOURCE")

Me me say say to Sunshade can Jaffaman eat eat too??

Sunshade say say ok ok if you can catch me!! Me say say ok ok, thank you thank you Sunshade!

But me me no no how to catch catch Sunshade... me me no no catch Sunshade.....

So me me say say please please Sunshade... can me me have some some?? (Sunshade: I'm sure by now, you all know what he's doing here - LAND SHARKING!!)

Sunshade say say she's bigger so she need need it and no no give me. But good good mummy told Sunshade she no no need need all because her tum tum is big big. (Sunshade: oh you're sooooooo @$%#!!!) Jaffaman happy happy because me got some too!!

(mum: this post goes together with Sunshade's Important Life Lessons post)

Jaffaman do do what MY Sunshade do do. See see, me me got a bag bag too,

Me me said said see see Sunshade??

But Sunshade no no want to chase me me.... I chase chase Sunshade but Sunshade no no chase chase me me.... Jaffaman a wittle sad sad...

Then then MY Sunshade said said I'm going to play play on high high chairs. Me said said WAIIIIIIIIIIIT WAIIIIIIIIIT for ME MEEEEE!

High high chairs look BAD BAD. Jaffaman no no like it, me said said be careful ok ok Sunshade??

MY Sunshade said said I know know what I'm doing doing! But Jaffaman said said me me still worry worry Sunshade... you go far far...and SOOOOO high high....

Me me no no like MY Sunshade go far far. Me me like like to go go with MY Sunshade eviewhere..

So Jaffaman said said me go go up up!!

(Sunshade: BUT.. he couldn't get up of course!! The aire was so fresh up there....hehe!)

MY Sunshade was a wittle hot hot because high high chair close close to sun sun, so her tongue tongue out out like this,

Me me far far away from sun sun, but me no no why my tongue tongue was long long too....

Jaffaman LOVE LOVE MY Sunshade!!!