Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Me BANG my Sunshade BANG

Watch Jaffaman and my Sunshade die die! (Sunshade: if you want to watch me get screwed, come to MY SuperBLOG!)


Duke said...

You look so happy to be "dying", Jaffa! haha You are such a happy boy and smart too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Finni said...

Sunshade is amazingly realistic ... she yelps as she goes down. What good puppies you are!
Unfortunately we don't do tricks. Mum feels lucky when she returns home from a walk with the same two dogs she went out with ...
Finni xx

Dexter said...

I think Sunshade wins for special dramatic sound effects. Makes the die die more moving. Work on that, Jaffa.


Asta said...

you and youw Sunshade awe sooo tewwibully talented.
That's the kind of "dying" we like
smoochie kisses

Toby said...

Jaffa, that was an awesome "bang"!!! I love how you rest your head on your bed... but it still counts as a bang!!!


Lorenza said...

You two are soooo good with the bang trick!
Kisses and hugs

The Airechicks said...

You need to get Mum & D-Guy to talk you to where they film shows & movies so they can see you in action.

Great study.....

Joe Stains said...

hmm Jaffa you sort of seem to die in two stages, LOL! good job buddy.

Inky and Molly said...

I can do the Bang too! Only Molly doesn't sit next to me quietly to wait her turn like you do. She barges in to get my treat before I get a chance to perform. So Molly has to be put away or be really tired for me to do it.
I am very good at it though (so I am told). I go Bang first and roll over on the floor. But my head is still up. The pinkie says Dead and cuts her throat with her finger. I put my head on the floor and be dead until she calls me Alive. That's our party trick but I can do lots more.
Now that I can't do runnies anymore, pinkie says, I am going to University and learn more tricks...