Monday, May 24, 2010

Me love love my wifey, Webecca and Matt Matt!

Mummy and D-Guy Guy and my Sunshade went to do old old peeple things (Sunshade: old old people things = activities for mature, calm and certainly NO BITEY individuals.)

Jaffaman stay-tayed at my wifey's house. See see, me on right right love my wifey Lola!

(mum: We planned a last minute, 2-day trip down to Washington to visit Microsoft and do some outlet mall shopping. I decided not to bring Jaffa as I know Jaffa would prefer to run/play with Lola instead.)

I love love my mommy in-law Webecca, (Sunshade: it's Rebecca.....)

But me weally weally weally love Matt Matt, weally weally. He call me Jaffa-Dude!

(mum: Matt is Rebecca's boyfriend, and Jaffa absolutely ADORES him. According to Rebecca, if Matt is out by the time Jaffa wakes up, Jaffa looks all over the house for him!)

Me got more more energy than my wifey, so cool Matt Matt took me to play on cold cold mountain wif grandpa in-law and grand uncle in-law!!

Webecca write write to mummy, see see,

The first three (pictures) are from our living room – he was feeling VERY loving towards us. The one of just Jaffa and Lola is SO cute.

The second four (pictures) are from the hike Matt took him on up Cypress Mountain with my Dad and Uncle. Jaffa had so much fun and he was the star of the hike. My dad and uncle aren't natural "dog people" but they loved him and were the ones who kept taking photos of him. Snow at the end of May! As you can see in one of the photos he just stuck with whoever was at the front of the pack. 4 hours up a mountain and he wasn’t even sleepy when he got home. Matt thinks he is a real “jock”.

Jaffa-Dude and my vewy best friend Matt Matt!

(mum: Rebecca had mentioned to Matt about the possibility of getting a second dog for Lola as playmate. Matt didn't grow up with dogs, Rebecca did. So naturally, Matt's reaction was he didn't want a second dog in their apartment. However, after meeting Jaffa for the first time during grooming, Matt told Rebecca that Jaffa was welcome to stay with them anytime. That was a huge compliment from Matt as I was told. Nowadays, if I have to take Sunshade to the vet or to rehab swim, instead of leaving Jaffa home, he goes to play with Lola for a few hours until I get back. Jaffa has not one, but two families that love him. I'm so happy and grateful to Rebecca, Matt, and Lola for being sooo good to my sweet boy!)


Dandy Duke said...

Having a second family is wonderful, Jaffa!
We sure wish we had snow on our ground today! It's been so hot! Pretty please send us some okay okay?!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Jaffa, you sure looked like you had a great time. We did not know you are a married dude! It is soooo cool that you have an AireWife!! Neato. Webecca and MattMatt are also so cool to let you visit. Sure wish we knew some Airedale owners here in farrr N.Idaho so we could visit. Everybody here seems to have a Lab. Nice pooches, but so calm that they make us look like nutcases. (We do get to visit with our friend Dr.Dre, though he is a tiny little guy,not a terrier.)
BabyRD & Hootie

Inky and Molly said...

It's looking rather breezy on your hike. Remind us, what season are you meant to be in? Or are you like a gazillion miles up in the air??

Lorenza said...

Hi, Jaffa!
Sure you had a pawesome time with them!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Donna said...

Ur pikshers are so happy! I like ur famlee. :)