Sunday, August 5, 2007


Mummy bring bring friend friend todayday. Jaffaman happy happy!

Me said said let's PLAY PLAY!!!

Mummy said said this is Faye Faye Jaffa. But me no no wemember Faye Faye... Mummy said said Jaffaman was too wittle when you first meet meet Faye Faye. See see wittle me and big big Faye Faye??

(mum: the last time Jaffa and Faye met, Jaffa was a teeny 9 week old pup! I can't believe how fast he's grown.... my little baby is all grown up.)

MY Sunshade stay stayed inside for a wittle bit. Mummy said said let Jaffa meet meet Faye Faye first! Me show showed Faye Faye the rampie,

(Sunshade: I'm willing to bet from looking at Faye's face in the picture above, you were LAND SHARKING her!)

Me show showed Faye Faye Sunshade's kiddie pool,

(Sunshade: key word = "Sunshade's" pool!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Then MY Sunshade came came and said said HEY! That's MY pool! I said said sowie sowie Sunshade, me kiss kiss you ok ok??

(Sunshade: I'm not even gonna bother telling you what he was really doing there..)

Jaffaman said said now now MY Sunshade is here here, me want to play play with MY Sunshade ok ok?

Sunshade got got a stickie. So Jaffaman said said me go get your pine cone cone to play play beside side you ok ok Sunshade?

But Jaffaman want want to be just like MY Sunshade, so me got got a stickie too. See see??

Me like like to be close close to MY Sunshade. Sunshade sometimes no no like me close close, but me said said Jaffaman no no care, Jaffaman go close close ok ok?

(Sunshade: and BITE!)

Mummy's friend friends came came to see Jaffaman!!

Me happy happy so me said said Jaffaman kiss kiss you guys ok ok??

(Sunshade: he LAND SHARKED them and got slobber all over them, and made them all STINKY!)


Molly the Airedale said...

You welcome everyone with kisses! You're such a sweet boy!

Love ya lots,

Stanley said...


I too noticed that you are quite the kissy boy. Do you give other boy dogs kisses too?

That Faye has flying dumbo ears! Stinkin' cute!!

Goober love,

jaffeboy said...

Jaffa Jaffa, U good good to Sunshade jie jie. Very very nice nice. I like to play play with Jaffe Jaffe. When other doggies play play with Jaffe Jaffe I will join join.

I wish I can go there to play play with you you.

Kaylie Kaylie