Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Sunshade's KAKE KAKE Day!!

Jaffaman got got KAKE day already, and today is my Sunshade's turn. Mummy made a lot a lot of yummies for my Sunshade, see see,

Mummy made Jaffaman yummies tooooo, see see,

Me got good good tummy, but not as good good as my Sunshade, so me no no eat a lot a lot of food food like my Sunshade,

(Sunshade: only the SuperDALE comes with SuperSTOMACH, sorry. I can eat almost anything and not get an upset tummy!)

Mummy put bright bright stickies on Sunshade's plate plates, see see,

Jaffaman got bright bright stickies too on my KAKE day!!

My Sunshade no no want to wait wait, see see,

But mummy said said Jaffaman and Sunshade WAIIIIIIT WAAAAAAAAAIT ok ok?? Me said said ok ok!

Then mummy said said ok ok, and me ate ate all gone!

My Sunshade too, see see,

I said said, fank you fank you mummy for yummmmmmies!

My Sunshade tire tired, so she no no put head head on the ground, see see,

Nice nice mummy put Sunshade head head on ground ground, see see, she got flat head head,

My Sunshade ate a lot a lot, see see her belly, she got got little me's?

(mum: you mean babies Jaffa? I like to use a #10 blade to clip all the hair on her chest/belly short so it doesn't get matted, leaving only the sides of the skirt long. You can't tell she has no hair on belly unless she's lying on her side.)

(Sunshade: HEEEEEEY! WHO SAID YOU COULD USE MY PICTURES ON YOUR BLOG WITHOUT MY PERMISSION????? I, unlike you HAVE a reputation to keep you know?

And BTW, I would NEVER allow stinkies to come out of me, EVER!)

Oh NO NO....Sunshade mad mad at me now...

She no no happy wif Jaffaman.....

(Sunshade: not only did he use MY picture without MY permission, he was also eying MY pink piggy toy on MY birfday when his toy was lying in front of him!! BOYZ, btw, that picture was definitely photoshop-ed. My tummy would never look like that, its all muscle like my muscle butt.)

Cool cool toy mummy got Jaffaman, see see, loud loud things go inside toy! Me love loud loud things,

(mum: he loves the crinkling sound of the plastic bottles.)

My Sunshade got got one too, she's happy happy!

But she no no want Jaffaman to take take. See see, she take take pink piggie away...

Me said said, its ok ok, no no worry Sunshade ok? Me play play with Jaffaman's!

See see,

Jaffaman love fun fun toy!

Fank you fank you mummy!

Then my Sunshade's KAKE time! See see, she got pretty KAKE KAKE that look alot alot like her,

Me want want one tooo.... (Sunshade: wait another 7 years, you'll get yours!)

Good good mummy cut cut small peece KAKE for Jaffaman and my Sunshade,

Me eat eat slow,

But KAKE KAKE was yumyum!

Happy Happy KAKE Day my love love you!


Molly the Airedale said...

Awwwwww, you are such a sweet happy-go-lucky boy, Jaffa! We can see that Sunshade rules at your house! It's not that way at our house. Mitch THINKS he rules!
We can't wait to see your special cake when you're 10!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

What an exciting extravaganza for Barkday! We are definatly deprived. Your Momma must be some sort of dog-genius or something.
BabyRocketDog & Hootie

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

ps-Is Sunshade preggers??