Friday, January 20, 2012

Yummy Juicy Juice!

Mummy said Juice no no nice, we eat him for breakie ok ok?

I said OK OK!!!

My Sunshade said WE NO NOOOOO EAT JUICE! See, she no no happy.....

Mummy said its ok ok to eat Juice, I said ok ok fank you!

Juicey Juice is yummy yummy, me like it!

My Sunshade no no eat Juice, she eat chicken only,

So me finished my Juicy Juice, and me eat eat my Sunshade's Juicy Juice too!

(Sunshade: You are beyond DISGUSTING!! If you would like to read my thoughts on this matter, please visit my bloggie.)

After me all done done, mummy said Juicy Juice is no no dead, he's still mean mean and fat fat, see,

Jaffaman ate wittle Juice, not Mean Juice,

I said to mummy, when we eat Mean Juice??? (Sunshade: OMG you are just SO gross!!)


Duke said...

Your rabbit breakie looks pretty yummy to us, Jaffa. Maybe mean mean Juice should be next? haha
We bet D-guy wouldn't allow that - no way!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Jaffaman, my sister eats rabbit. So mean Juice better watch out!

The Thuglets said...

Rabbit is very yummy. Glad it wasn't Juice you ate though.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Lorenza said...

For some reason I knew you two were going to have a different opinion on eating Juice!
Kisses and hugs