Mummy took me and my pretty girliefriend Faye Faye for a walkie on Kissmas Day!! We no no got pictures cause mummy said her hand hands got tangled a lot....
Then mummy took us to this place, (Sunshade: That's D-Guy's apartment, being used as grooming room!)
Mummy said Jaffaman and Faye Faye got too much haire, so she take haire off.
Faye no no happy on the table... but she was good good, she listened to mummy,
She said she want to sleep, see see. My funny girliefriend!
Faye wait wait patiently for mummy to get cut cut fings ready, (Sunshade: cut cut fings = clippers....)
Good good Jaffaman stayed wif my girliefriend,
Me love love to be wif pretty girlies... hehe...
(Sunshade: actually, he just likes to be with any dog. You don't really have a choice to get away from him anyway.)
Faye's body got cut short short, Jaffaman still got long long haire, see see,
Then Faye Faye alllllll done!
Her pretty pretty face, see see,
Faye is happy mummy's done done!!
Jaffaman and my pretty girliefriend!!
Mummy no no groom Jaffaman today because DD-Guy said he pull pull my hair like a boy!
(mum: Derek told me he wanted to "groom" Jaffa, so I've been telling him "ok you can strip the black part for now". If you look at the pictures carefully, Jaffa is missing quite a bit of coat on his jacket from Derek's grooming LOL!)
(mum: okay, I know, he really needs to be groomed!!! I strip him soon so you can see his lovely eyes.)
Mummy did the same to my Sunshade, see see,
Then mummy said good good boy Jaffa, go sit beside Sunshade ok ok? I said umm.... no no ok mummy??
(Sunshade: My SuperPOWER!!! I don't even have to do anything and he KNOWS to respect my pawsonal space!)
I said ok ok, Jaffaman sit sit like this ok mummy?
(mum: Jaffa has been taught at an early age that Sunshade does NOT like to have her personal space invaded (by dogs). So he respects that boundary. Here he was trying to obey me by sitting and staying, but at the same time not get in Sunshade's space. I made it a bit more scary for him I guess by waving treats in one hand. Sunshade has a tendency to get quite possessive around food (with dogs).)
Mummy move my bum bum closer and closer to my Sunshade's bum bum..... me was a wittle worried...
Mummy said no no worry Jaffaman, Sunshade only want food food, she no no see you! I said WHEWWWW....
My Sunshade sing sing for mummy, but me no no know how to sing....
But I learn from my Sunshade. See, Jaffaman sing sing too!
Mummy said we sing sing good, so Santa bring us lots of foodies!!!
My Sunshade is happy about yummies,
Then my Sunshade lie down down on me, (Sunshade: see his constipated face??)
I got wittle bit scawed.....
I no no want to move. If Jaffaman move move and touch my Sunshade, she get mad mad....
Mummy said said no no get scawed, and she gave me yummies.... but me no no want to move to get yummies.... My Sunshade said she get yummies for Jaffaman ok ok?
And then no more yummies....
Good good mummy put more yummies inside Jaffaman's mouf, so my Sunshade no no get it!
(mum: Sunshade doesn't like to have dogs in her personal space, nevermind having them "touch" her. She will not tolerate another dog putting a paw on her or touching her. I think its because "touching" is a sign of dominance to her. Jaffa of course, would never think of dominating his Sunshade. He weighs a lean, muscular 70 lbs, and could easily take over the top dog statues if he wanted to. Yet Sunshade can do no wrong in his eyes, and he adores her no matter what. At the same time, I think Sunshade pretty much knows that Jaffa is never going to challenge her, so she in turn has been quite lenient towards what is acceptable from him.
Mummy came to see Jaffman, and she said I got somefing for you!! See see,
I said what is the weird fing??
Mummy said sit sit Jaffaman, and I said ok ok, but me no no want to wait long ok?? (Sunshade: this video demonstrates one good retriever, and one shaky, annoying + greedy + pushy terrorist!)
(mum: Well, Jaffa had the BEST role model to learn all that from didn't he?? Simba likes tennis balls and ONLY tennis balls. Jaffa usually likes everything. However... I think he's found a new obsession LOL!)
(Sunshade: no, he just wants whatever it is that somebody else has!)
Then I said me go rest on comfy chair wif my ball ball now ok?
Me love love it!! (Sunshade: you NEVER did! You only love it now because you see how "special" it is to Simba!)
Good good Simba, he give mummy ball ball like this,
Me no no give ball ball to mummy, me got ball ball in my mouf. Mummy said wait wait Simba. Jaffaman came to see why wait wait, (Sunshade: Hi, welcome to the blog of the World's NOSIEST Dog!)
(mum: that's part of being an Airedale!! BOTH Sunshade and Jaffa have always been very "curious" as I would like to call it!)
Me no no know why Simba wait wait,
So I said Simba and mummy wait wait, Jaffaman take the ball ball ok?
(Sunshade: Simba was waiting POLITELY to have mum kick the ball for him, and stooopid just went and took the ball!)
Simba no no know where ball ball is, see, he look look left, look look right,
Then mummy got ball ball from Jaffaman and give to Simba. I said its ok ok, Jaffaman can share!(Sunshade: that was HIS ball to begin with!)
Mummy said Jaffaman Simba READY?????
And GO!!!
(Sunshade: I don't think I need to tell you which greedy dog got the ball.)
The weird fing stayed here for long long time. Good good Jaffaman said to mummy you bring it for my Sunshade to play play ok??
Mummy said Happy Birfday to me, and did this to Jaffaman on my 1,2,3,4 Kake Day, (Sunshade: he meant his 4th B-Day)
She did same to my Sunshade, see see,
Mummy and DD-Guy went to fun fun place, (Sunshade: you can see the full ABANDONMENT report on MY SuperBLOG.)
So me me and my Sunshade look like this now...
Mummy and DD-Guy went to another fun fun place, and they said to Jaffaman, there is a store for you!!!(mum: We were at Universal Studios in Orlando.)
Me no no know why this is Jaffaman store, it no no look like handsome Jaffaman...
(Sunshade: that's your store because it has YOUR NAME on it! You ARE the landshark, and we are all the victims plus all the dogs you meet. I find it puzzling that they had your store and not a MUSCLE BUTT store.)
At the same fun fun place, mummy and DD-Guy saw funny things and peeple,
Mummy got picture with a big big kitty!
Big big kitty is from this story,
See see, mummy, DD-Guy and my Sunshade and me all got Thing Things!
Jaffaman and my Sunshade,
My Sunshade and mummy are Thing Thing 1,
Jaffaman and DD-Guy are Thing Thing 2. DD-Guy said Thing Thing 1 are for bossy girlies like mummy and my Sunshade. We no no bossy like them. (Sunshade: you guys are SOOO in trouble!)
Then my Sunshade was no no well......
She got cut cut like this, see see,
Jaffaman said you play play with me ok ok my Sunshade? And mummy said NO NO, and she said me go play wif my friend Simba ok?
(mum: Some of you know this already if you have been following Sunshade's blog. Sunshade was diagnosed on November 12th with a type of cancer called Soft Tissue Sarcoma. She needed to be on IV before and after the surgery, and she also had a huge scar. Jaffa being the energetic, goofball that he is, is sometimes a bit too much for Sunshade. While Sunshade would try to tell him off if he's in her space, I on the other hand preferred that she didn't so we didn't risk the incision splitting or getting infected. So Jaffa has been staying with Derek's family dog Simba.)
Jaffaman said ok ok, me like Simba, me like everybuddy,
(Sunshade: POOOOOR Simba.... Unfortunately Simba, I'm still *ahem* not feeling well, and I doubt I'll ever feel well. So it looks like you're stuck with him FOREVER.... so sorry....)
Simba's house no no far from my Sunshade's house, so mummy come see Jaffaman 1,2 times a day. She take me and Simba for walk walk,
We go to park park to play, see see,
Mummy throw ice cubies for Jaffaman, see see,
Me jump high high and eat ice cubie in the aire, (Sunshade: OMG! Do you see his crazy landsharking teethies?)
Simba do do the same, but he no no jump as high as Jaffaman!
(mum: when Jaffa jumps, all 4 of his feet leave the ground!)
Then mummy said Jaffa Simba come come, you walk on same line line ok?
Mummy said Simba good good boy and me learn learn from Simba ok ok?
(Sunshade: so mum saw a few episodes of the Dog Whisperer where Cesar Milan tied a troubled dog to a well balanced dog and saw improvement with the troubled dog. Well I guess she tried to do the same thing with STINKY (troubled) and Simba (well balanced). Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it has worked. Mum tried to tie STINKY to me once so he could learn from ME, the perfect me. The HORROR it caused... I ALMOST LOST MY HEAD!!! Good thing Simba has about 30 lbs on STINKY, who is wearing an Afro right now.)
I said ok ok, me take Simba for a walk walk!!!
(mum: They don't usually get walked like that. This was the first time I tried it with them LOL. Mainly to keep Jaffa from running all the way down to the other end of the park at the sight of dogs walking by. Simba is very good about staying with me, and he is a strong dog so he does a good job holding Jaffa back LOL.)
See good good Jaffaman and Simba walk home together!! (Sunshade: He wasn't good, poor Simba was.)
Mummy said lets eat eat breakie ok ok?
I said ok ok, but Simba eat eat too ok?
(Sunshade: So mum has been trying to have Simba switched to raw food, but Simba's pawrents say no its ok (politely). And then mum hears from D-Guy that they think STINKY is an hyperactive landshark because he eats like a savage........LOL!!)
(mum: That is not true!!!!! (for all you people feeding raw or considering making the switch) Jaffa is just Jaffa kibble or raw food, and Sunshade who has always been super calm will always be super calm raw or kibble! Raw food does NOT change your dog's personality!!!)
We eat eat together!!
(mum: Luckily Derek's parents' place is only about 10 mins away, so I am able to go take the goofball for a walk twice a day and feed him as well. He really need to be stripped.... hopefully I'll have more time after Sunshade stabilizes.)
Me saw saw my Sunshade on her birfday,
See see, mummy made yummy kakes for us,
Me got thing things!!!
My Sunshade got thing things too!
We both got thing things!!!
This is my thing thing from my friend Mitchy. Jaffaman love love it, fank you Mitchy!
Mummy got this from fun fun place. Jaffaman want it please!
Me is Jaffa. I am Miss Sunshade's biological nephew, but I call her MY Sunshade! Me me is 3 years old now. Me still young, can't write write that much yet. I like like to bite bite on Sunshade's face and mummy's nose and peeple fingers. I love loooove MY Sunshade a lot a lot. I hope I can be as good good of an Airedale as Sunshade, so me learn learn a lot lot from Sunshade.
My name is Princess Stella! You can call me Stella for short if you want. Jaffa is my brother but I don't live with him because umm... a princess like me needs to rule her own castle you know what I mean?? I still get to see Jaffa and Aunty Sunshade a lot, so I get like..the best of both worlds!! So now I live with the KOOKIE family!! I think I'm like the luckiest and happiest princess alive!!
***Current weight:40 lbs ***Breed:Airedale Terrier (I'm a PRINCESS!!) ***Birth Place:Port Angeles, WA, USA ***Date of Birth:November, 13th, 2006 ***Registered name:Loc Aire's Perfect Star (Stella means STAR in Latin) ***Hometown:Vancouver, BC, Canada ***Family members:Kookie mummy, Kookie daddy, Kookie girl, and a special Kookie boy