See see, my new friends Jayce and Jensen!

(mum: Jayce and Jensen are new Squaire Dog clients. They are 5 & 6 years old Airedales.)
Jayce & Jaffaman!

(mum: don't let this picture fool you, but Jayce on the left is a whooping 100+ lb Airedale! Jaffa on the right is 70 lbs, with a lot of hair right now.)
I said fank you fank you mummy for new friends! Me is happy happy!

Mummy gave Jayce a chicken treat treat, I said its ok ok, Jaffaman is good at sharing,

Jayce want my rawhide ball ball, I said ok ok you can play wif it too!

Mummy gave Jensen chicken treat treat too, but Jensen saw scawie camera, she no no want chicken treat anymore.....

(mum: Jensen was very camera shy. She would be sitting there happily begging for the chicken jerky, but as soon as the camera came in sight, she bolted. Same thing with the phone too! Silly girl!)
Mummy think think how to get BIG Jayce on table, me help mummy think too,

Jayce is up up, and mummy back no no break!!

(mum: it was quite a work out getting all that 100 lb of dale up onto the table!! Don't ask me how I did it because I don't remember. Rush of adrenaline perhaps? Because I love grooming that much... LOL!)
Jayce watch me and Jensen run run around the table,

Me said said to Jayce, you no no come down, we play play later ok?

Jayce good good, see, mummy cut cut his haire,

Good boy get treat treats, Jaffaman and Jensen got treat treats too!

Break break time for Jayce,

1,2,3 J's play played together!

Jayce and Jaffaman happy, see see,

Jensen's turn on the table,

Pretty Jensen all pretty, see see,

Jayce before mummy cut cut his haire,

Handsome Jayce after mummy cut cut his haire,

(mum: they were shaved by their last groomer, so it's going to take some time for the leg furnishings to come back.)
They wait wait for their mommy to come,

Mummy said who wants treat treat? Me me and Jayce said we dooooo! But Jensen no no want any wif the scawie camera.....

Jayce said he sleep sleep until his mommy come ok?